TLC Faculty Spotlight: Jason Silverman, PhD

January 12, 2022

Working with colleagues Valerie Klein and Wesley Shumar at Drexel, as well as partners at 21st Century Partnership for STEM Education, and SoE alum Anthony Matranga at California State University – San Marcos, much of my attention this year will be on our NSF-funded ORCIDS project. The project brings together teachers, researchers and other math educators to focus on ways to engage more meaningfully with students online. The project uses our previously developed EnCoMPASS software to support teachers learning about selecting good tasks for doing math in a virtual context, exploring ways to make student thinking visible, reflecting on students’ work and strategizing about how to work at the intersection of student thinking and instructional goals. I am particularly excited about moving into the second year of the project, as we shift more efforts to data analysis and sharing our emerging answers to the project research questions with the broader community.

This year I have the opportunity to serve on the leadership team for the Program and Curricular Innovation Strategic Planning and leading the Graduate and Post-Graduate Innovation Sub-committee. I look forward to working with colleagues from across the university as we review data and develop recommendations and a roadmap for implementation of strategies, supports and infrastructure needed to expand and enhance Drexel’s core educational activities.

Lately, my non-work world has been focused on Lacrosse. Both my kids are playing for multiple lacrosse teams and we spend good portions of most weekends on the fields – even in the winter!