SOE Department Chair Named Finalist for Research Excellence Award

Rajashi Ghosh - Drexel University Program Director for PhD in Education

March 31, 2021

School of Education Department Chair for Policy, Organization, and Leadership programs, and Associate Professor, Rajashi Ghosh, PhD, was recently named among three finalists for the Richard A. Swanson Research Excellence Award. This major honor is given by the Academy of Human Resource Development. Upon hearing the news, Dr. Ghosh wrote she is, “Honored to be listed as one of the 3 finalists for the Richard A. Swanson Excellence Award for my article (Ghosh, Hutchins, Kevin, & Ague, 2020) with dear colleagues, Holly & Kevin and my star doctoral student, Ague!!” Begun in 1995, the Richard A. Swanson Research Excellence Award is awarded each year by the Academy of Human Resource Development for the most outstanding article from across all issues in the most recent volume of Human Resource Development Quarterly.

To view the article, visit,

Full Citation:
Ghosh, R., Hutchins, H. M., Rose, K. J., & Manongsong, A. M. (2020). Exploring the lived experiences of mutuality in diverse formal faculty mentoring partnerships through the lens of mentoring schemas. Human Resource Development Quarterly, 31(3), 319-340.

This award is not the only honor for Dr. Ghosh. She also received the Summer Research Award for Tenure/Tenure Track Faculty from Drexel’s Office of Faculty Affairs. This award provides tenured and tenure-track faculty members with the opportunity to pursue research activities that will enhance recipient careers as well as increase their contributions to Drexel.

Dr. Ghosh joined SOE in 2009. Her research interests include mentoring and leader development, workplace incivility and workplace learning and development. Her program affiliations include the MS in Human Resource Development, EdD in Educational Leadership and Management, and PhD in Education.