Drexel School of Education Faculty and Students Attend CEC 2017 in Boston


June 30, 2017

Drexel University SoE was well represented at the 2017 Council for Exceptional Children (CEC) Convention, in Boston, MA. Dr. Constance Fox Lyttle, Esq. was invited by the Program Co-Chairs to create a 4-Session Urban Strand, which she titled, Providing Special Education and Related Services in the Urban Environment.

Two Drexel Student Council for Exceptional Children (DSCEC) Officers, Rachel Abernethy and Yendri Longoria, Dr. Lori Severino, the ten USELT Scholars (Ed.D. students) and recent EdD graduate, Dr. Marguerite Vasconcellos, presented. Dr Lyttle was also a Featured Speaker, presenting a Special Education Law and Ethics Session with four Scholars; and Scholars Michelle Nutini, Carlene Reid and Justin Lein had their own Sessions accepted. Dr. Lyttle, Rachel and Yendri also presented with Parent Advocate Groups, PEAL and PEAC. With this momentum, Drexel is sure to take the 2018 CEC Convention in Tampa by storm!

Check out the photos from the Convention.