Global Education Colloquium Brown Bag Series - May 20, 2014

Women Leading Schools Worldwide: Issues of Access and Practice

May 20, 2014

Women Leading Schools Worldwide: Issues of Access and Practice

Dr. Sperandio will present opportunities to consider best practice in preparing women for leadership and measures that could be adopted to ensure their equal representation in leadership and decision-making at the school level worldwide.

Women continue to be under represented in the leadership of K-12 schooling in most countries of the world, including the USA, a situation commonly attributed to societal perceptions of gender roles that work against women accessing school leadership positions. School leadership, and the training for this leadership where it exists, has been shaped by male practitioners; women who access school leadership have few female role models or mentors to guide them in critical refection of their leadership style and their potential for advocacy and social justice, particularly with regard to the girl child.

May 20, 2014, Noon
One Drexel Plaza, 3001 Market Street, Room 004, Philadelphia, PA 19104

For reservations, go to:

Stephanie Boysen
Phone: 215–895-0900