Join Us for a Celebration of DragonsTeach


Gerri C. LeBow Hall Grand Meeting Room, April 21, 2014

DragonsTeach is a new Drexel University program designed to address the national need for science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) teachers by offering STEM majors the opportunity to experience secondary teaching and obtain secondary teaching certification alongside their STEM major. Through active recruitment; a compact, research-based instructional program; and intensive experiences working with master teachers in local schools, DragonsTeach will break down the traditional barriers that prevent STEM students from obtaining teaching certification.

Join the Drexel community as we celebrate the launch of DragonsTeach on Monday, April 21, 2014 from 3-5 p.m. in LeBow Grand Meeting Room 220, on the second floor of Gerri C. LeBow Hall. The event is free and open to the public.

DragonsTeach is a collaborative effort of the College of Arts and Sciences, the College of Engineering, and the School of Education and is supported by a $1.45 million grant from the National Math and Science Initiative to replicate the UTeach program. UTeach universities, expected to number 45 by 2015, will produce more than 9,000 new teachers by 2020, contributing to the national goal of 100,000 new STEM teachers by 2021.

The following team has helped implement DragonsTeach at Drexel; under their leadership, the program will continue to grow and realize its full potential.

  • Luis Cruz Cruz, PhD, Director, College of Arts and Sciences
  • Adam Fontecchio, PhD, Director, College of Engineering
  • Jason Silverman, PhD, Director, School of Education
  • Jessica Ward, Director of DragonsTeach Operations