Dr. Joyce Pittman Appointed to Pennsylvania Association of School Administrators
October 1, 2013
The Pennsylvania Association of School Administrators (PASA) has appointed Joyce Pittman, PhD, chair of Research and Development and member of the Board of Governors, effective October. 1, 2013. Pittman is associate clinical professor and program director of the EdD in Educational Leadership and Management in Harrisburg.
Dr. Pittman is recognized in her field as a global education reform and research leader, teacher education specialist, curriculum and instructional technologist.
Pittman earned a PhD from Iowa State University of Science and Technology, an MS from Chicago State University, and a BA from Southern Illinois University.
PASA officers are appointed annually for one-year renewable terms. In her role on the Board of Governors, Pittman will direct association policy, provide oversight of business and maintain communication and outreach with Pennsylvania’s community of school system leaders and those who aspire to serve as leaders. PASA is the state affiliate of the American Association of School Administrators: The School Superintendents’ Association (AASA).
The Pennsylvania Association of School Administrators (PASA)
The Pennsylvania Association of School Administrators (PASA) Board of Governors is a statewide organization with membership of over 1,000 Pennsylvania school administrators serving over 7,676 administrators/supervisors and 126,981 classroom teachers (Pennsylvania Professional Personnel Employment Status, Gender, Level of Education and Years of Service by Position (pp04, 2012-2013).
To learn more: http://www.pasa-net.org/ResandDev.asp