SOE Faculty and Staff Honored During National Distance Learning Week

PHILADELPHIA, PA, November 7, 2013

Drexel celebrates National Distance Learning Week on Nov. 12, 2013. Attendees will be honored at a ceremony from 6–9 p.m. at the Academy of Natural Sciences of Drexel University.

During the ceremony, Drexel will honor faculty and staff who are outstanding contributors to online learning. We congratulate the following School of Education employees who will be recognized:

William Lynch

Dr. William Lynch, dean of the
School of Education, received the 2013 Online Leadership and Faculty Award.

Joel Rodriguez

Joel Rodriguez, Assistant Director for Learning Technologies, won the 2013 Outstanding Online Professional Staff Award.

Online learning has exponentially grown throughout the years, and Drexel Online is proud to be a premier leader of online. In an effort to create greater awareness of distance learning and to recognize exceptional leaders and best practices in the field, Drexel University Online founded National Distance Learning Week (NDLW), in conjunction with the United States Distance Learning Association.

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