PPE Purchasing Guidelines Determine your PPE needs as soon as possible, factoring in availability, timing of delivery, cost, etc. Note that many products (e.g., N95 masks and gowns) continue to be in limited supply and may be subject to lead times of 4-8 weeks. It is critical to identify PPE needs and place orders as far in advance as possible. Procurement Services recommends that you purchase PPE assuming a full return to campus in the fall. Orders should be placed by 6/5/20. Any PPE purchased over and above typical needs in order to accommodate social distancing or other COVID-19 related considerations may be charged to the following cost centers: Chart D 110001-5999 Chart S 111001-5999 Chart O 112001-5999 If you have any questions or experience shortages or urgent needs, please contact Procurement Services at sourcing@drexel.edu.