Submission FAQs

The proposal delivered to the Office of Research will always include:

  1. A completed Coeus proposal transmittal with all required approvals, including the department head(s) and the dean(s) for all investigators.
  2. Project Budget
  3. Budget Justification
  4. Project Abstract
  5. Completed Conflict of Interest Statement
  6. Completed Export Control Questionnaire
  7. Completed sponsor submission forms
  8. Copy of the solicitation or the web address for the solicitation

In addition, the submission may include as required:

  1. Cost Sharing Commitment Form
  2. Indirect Cost Waiver Form
  3. Animal Use Committee Form
  4. Human Subjects Protocol
  5. Radioactive Materials Form
  6. Biosafety Form 
Completed Coeus Records and Completed Proposals/Applications are required to be submitted to the Office of Research three (3) business days prior to the sponsors’ due dates. No proposal will be submitted to a sponsor without both components (Completed Coeus Record and Completed Proposal/Application).