Are you searching for funding for your research, scholarship and creative projects?

Discover how Elsevier's Funding Institutional (FI) can assist by attending one of the 30-minute workshop. 

"Getting to Know Funding Institutional" Workshop

Friday, March 12th, 9:30 – 10:00am


Tuesday, March 16th, 3:30pm – 4:00pm

Elsevier's Funding Institutional (FI) helps you find active, accurate funding opportunities in a timely manner from over 3,500 government and private funding organizations, and by offering insight into research that has already been funded in your area of interest. After this 30-minute workshops, you should have the knowledge to maximize access to and management of funding opportunities to best utilize our subscription jointly funded by the Office of Research and Innovation and the Office of Institutional Advancement.

Faculty, students and staff can use FI to:

  • Search for funding opportunities
  • Find new sources of external grant income
  • Identify potential collaborators and find investigators that are securing grants in their field of interest
  • Survey funding trends 
  • Set-up alerts to be notified automatically of new funding opportunities

Register for the one of the 30-minute workshops conducted by our Elsevier Customer Consultant, Charity Elifritz:

Friday, March 12th, 9:30am – 10:00am. Register by 3:00pm Thursday, March 11th.
Monday, March 16th, 3:30pm – 4:00pm. Register by 5:00pm Monday, March 15th. 

You will receive a meeting invite with the Zoom login information prior to the meeting time.

If you have never accessed Funding Institutional (FI): 

  • Create an account using your Drexel abc123 email account from the FI homepage 
  • Click Register or Register now on the top right side of the page
  • Fill in all required fields, then click Create Account button
  • After being returned to the homepage, log in with new account credentials (user name is your Drexel abc123 email address)

Note: If you are not on campus, Drexel VPN is required to access our Elsevier subscriptions - Funding Institutional, SciVal and Scopus.

Questions? Contact