Dear Colleagues,

Don't miss out on our upcoming webinars for Electronic Research Notebooks at Drexel powered by LabArchives!

Upcoming Webinars: 

LabArchives Webinar for Research
This session is primarily for PI's, Lab Managers, Researchers, Lab Technicians, Graduate Students & Technical Support Staff. In these personalized training webinars we highlight the key features relevant to your use in a research or teaching lab, provide tips on tailoring a notebook to your specific needs, plus time to ask questions in order to save you time and get started using the platform. 
November 12, 2020 2pm EST
Register Here

LabArchives Webinar for Education 
This session is primarily for Professors, Instructors, Teachers, Students, & Technology Innovation Staff at Drexel. In these personalized training webinars we highlight the key features relevant to your use in a research or teaching lab, provide tips on tailoring a notebook to your specific needs, plus time to ask questions in order to save you time and get started using the platform. 
November 13, 2020 2pm EST
Register Here

Please feel free to visit our ERN website or reach out to our Electronic Resource Notebook team at Drexel at if you have any questions. Or reach out to the LabArchives support team directly at

Thank you, 

Kairi D. Williams
Associate Vice Provost, Research Operations & Compliance
Research Integrity Officer