Training Requirements

All personnel listed on an IACUC protocol must complete all of the following requirements prior to receiving an IACUC approval:

  • Occupational Health & Safety Program (Annual Health Review)
  • Species-Specific (Hands-On) Training
  • CITI on-line training programs

 To add personnel to an already approved IACUC protocol, please submit an amendment in DragonSPOT. Up to date Annual Health Review certificates and relevant species-specific completion forms need to be uploaded to DragonSPOT and CITI training completion dates need to be provided.

Adding and Removing IACUC Protocol Personnel [PDF]

All personnel handling or working near laboratory animals must obtain an annual occupational health and safety certification.  Specific guidance and directions for completing your annual health review (OSHA) may be found at Procedures for Annual Health Reviews [PDF].  

Initial Certification

1. Complete the following forms and submit them to Occupational Health

2. The Occupational Health Physician will review the Annual Health Review form and your medical history to assess the medical risk. A physical exam, additional tests and vaccinations may be recommended based on your level of animal exposure and the species of animal with which you work.

3. The Occupational health Physician will complete the Annual Health Review Certification Form. It is your responsibility to email the certificate to the IACUC Office at Please keep a copy for your personal records.

Annual Renewal

All annual health reviews expire one (1) year from the listed date. Please complete the request for Annual Health Review form prior to the expiration of your current health review.  In the event that the annual chart review is not completed before expiration of the current occupational health certification, a new initial certification may need to be obtained.   

IACUC protocols and annual protocol reviews cannot be approved until all personnel have up to date certification. 

All personnel who will be in contact with animals must undergo training before handling animals. The following document provides directions for obtaining all required training and clearances.

Please contact Melissa Whitney ( to schedule species specific training.

All personnel involved with animals and their welfare at Drexel must go through basic animal welfare training. Guidance for Registration and FAQ's