Office Sponsored Events

PRIDE 4 LGBTQ+ Symposium _Banner Website

2nd Annual P.R.I.D.E. 4 LGBTQ+ Symposium

In celebration of Pride Month, you are cordially invited to the 2nd annual Promoting Research, Innovation and Diversity Education (P.R.I.D.E.) 4 LGBTQ+ Symposium —illuminating and inspiring research, ideas, people and collective action to support LGBTQ+ communities in their many forms. The half-day gathering will bring together Drexel undergraduate and graduate students, faculty, administrators and professional staff as well as members of the broader community.

“Pride, Prejudice, and Progress: The Journey to LGBTQ+ Health Equity”

Presented by Jessica Halem, MBA, Senior Director of the Eidos LGBTQ+ Health Initiative at the University of Pennsylvania
Cultural tides are shifting — and with over 7% of the US population identifying as part of the LGBTQ+ community, and 25% of Gen Z — it is a sea change all around us. While we celebrate increasing acceptance and visibility for these communities, disparities in health, laws and safety persist. Stressors stemming from historical discrimination and contemporary backlash place LGBTQ+ people of all ages at elevated risk for physical and mental health concerns. Within these challenges lie opportunities to enhance the health outcomes and lives of LGBTQ+ people, and in doing so, to enrich our broader society for all. Let’s embark on a journey together to better understanding our role as both change agents and leaders.

  • Lightning Talks

  • Roundtable Discussions

  • Concurrent Poster Session

    A new feature of this year’s symposium will be a poster session in which presenters may share their work – completed, emergent, or beginning – and engage with others.  Come view the impressive work of Drexel University, as well as neighboring Universities, undergraduate and graduate students, faculty, and staff. 
  • Mocktail and Networking Hour


MacAlister Building, 6th Floor 


11:30 PM

Registration Open

12:00 PM

Welcome & Opening Remarks 


Keynote Speaker

 1:00 PM

Lighting Talks

 1:45 PM

Round Table Discussions

 2:30 PM

Poster Presentations

 3:00 PM

Student Performance


 Mocktail & Networking Hour

If you have questions about the event, please email