Obtaining a Law School Transcript

A Drexel University official transcript contains a student's entire academic history as well as degree conferral information. All Drexel University transcripts issued from the Office of the University Registrar are official and contain the school's seal on each page of the document. A transcript will contain the following information:

  • Name
  • University ID number
  • Program and major course of study
  • Degree title and conferral date if degree has been conferred
  • A complete listing of all courses (by term and date) taken at the University with a distinction made between Undergraduate and Graduate level courses
  • A listing of all grades (by course) as well as a term Grade Point Average and cumulative Grade Point Average; and
  • Number of credits per course, term, and cumulative amount

Please note: current students may request transcripts to be mailed or picked-up after processing is complete.

How Current Students Can Obtain an Official Transcript

How Alumni Can Obtain a Transcript