Class Registration

When to Register

First-year JD students are registered for their courses administratively for the first two semesters. LLM and MLS students will discuss course selection with their advisors in their first semester. Self-registration for the Summer and Fall semesters occurs in early April, and for Spring semester in mid-October.

Students may check their registration times in DrexelOne approximately one month before registration, by selecting Review Registration Information in the Academics tab.

Viewing Courses

Students can search for courses on DrexelOne approximately two weeks before registration opens. The Office of Student Affairs will announce in the newsletter when course offerings are available. Use the Register for Courses option in the Academics tab to view course offerings.

Visual grid schedules and exam schedules can be found in the Registration and Exam Center. Tentative exam schedules are always available at the time of registration.

How to Register

DrexelOne Registration Interface Instructions


The maximum amount of credits a student may register for in the Fall and Spring is 16, or 17 for students in the Accelerated JD program only. Non-accelerated students are never permitted to go above 16 credits. In the Summer, continuing students in the Accelerated JD program may take up to 13 credits; other continuing students may register for a maximum of 11 credits.

Students may add and drop self-registered courses on DrexelOne through the second week of classes. No courses, including those registered administratively, may be added after the second week of classes. 

After the second week of classes, when Add/Drop period has ended, students must obtain permission from Dean Oates to make schedule changes. Permission will only be granted with good cause, and students will receive a grade of “W” (withdrawal) for courses dropped after the second week.


If a course is full, students can put themselves on a waitlist for that particular course by selecting the waitlist option from the Action menu in the registration interface and submitting the changes. As seats open, they will be offered to students in order of their position on the waitlist. Students who are up for a seat will receive an email notification from the University Registrar’s Office, and they will have 24 hours to add the course, after which they will be dropped from the waitlist and the seat will be offered to the next student. Should you miss the 24-hour window, remember that you must re-add yourself to the waitlist if you still want to be in line for the class.

When you attempt to register for a course for which you are waitlisted, you are actually dropping yourself from the waitlist, so attempting to register for an open seat which has not been offered to you will mean you lose your place in the waitlist. Therefore, do not try to add a course for which you are waitlisted unless you receive an email notification that you are next in line.

Students who are added to a waitlist are not guaranteed to be registered for that course, so students should sign up for other courses to complete their course schedules. Waitlist eligibility does not override other registration restrictions.

Considerations for Financial Aid Eligibility

Students who fall below 9 total credits in the Fall or Spring terms are not considered full-time students in residence and may not be able to apply their scholarship to the term bill.

  • Students who fall below 5 total credits in any terms are considered to be less than half-time and cannot receive federal financial aid for that term.
  • A student who has completed the academic requirements for their program is not eligible for federal financial aid and may not continue to enroll for additional terms under that degree program.  
  • Withdrawing from or failing too many courses, falling out of good standing, or attending past the typical program length may affect your eligibility for federal financial aid. Please review the University’s SAP policy for a full list of conditions.