Legal Research Center

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Access and Hours

The Legal Research Center is available for law student access 24/7. The hours for library services such as circulation and reference assistance can be found here.

You may make seat reservations for study rooms. Please see the FAQ for more information.

The 2nd and 3rd floor galleries in the law school are also available for study space. Seating is available throughout the day for as long as the law school building is open; please check the building hours page for the most updated information.


If you are a Drexel alum, Member of the Bar, or local area law student, please make an appointment under "Library Visit" if you need to access the Legal Research Center. You may also call the Library Assistance desk at 215.571.4772 with questions. Visitors will need to comply with Drexel's public health guidelines, which include wearing a mask in all "Mask Required" indoor spaces.

Course Reserves and Study Aids

We will be making course reserve materials and items available for use in the LRC only. Items will be sanitized between uses.

We have subscribed to both Aspen Learning Library (formerly Aspen/Wolters-Kluwer eBooks) and West Academic Study Aids databases in order to provide online access to many of our study guide resources. For information on them, as well as other available course reserves, see our Course Reserves library guide.

The LRC is working with faculty to provide access to as many course reserve materials as possible electronically. Faculty may request access to electronic course reserve materials for their classes and LRC staff will work with them to provide that material if possible. Requests for digitization will only be processed if they are from faculty. If you have any questions about course reserves, please email Margaret DeFelice at

See the FAQ for more information about book requests and circulation policies. Contact with questions.

The Legal Research Center is a library located on the 3rd floor in the law school. The collection reflects the curricular and research needs of the faculty and students with a particular emphasis on the areas of concentration: business and entrepreneurship, criminal law, health law, and intellectual property. In addition to the numerous print resources, users have access to the thousands of electronic databases, books and journals that the LRC as well as the Drexel University Libraries subscribe to. This provides the researcher with access to legal and interdisciplinary materials.

Along with books and reserve materials, the LRC circulation desk has a number of useful items for checkout, such as phone and laptop chargers, HDMI and Ethernet cables, GoPro Camera, HD webcams, and more. For more information, see Services for Students.

New Library Guides

The Legal Research Center has put together several new library guides for students and faculty. Have a look!

  • Finding Your Zone: Mental Health Resources: This guide aims to help you find your own brand of relaxation and mindfulness. It also includes links to trusted authorities that provide information about mental health and mental health initiatives. Compiled for students, faculty, and staff.

  • LRC Career & Practice Collection: This guide is a general overview of our new and growing collection of materials on law and legal professions. We'd like these to serve as supplemental aids for law students to explore as they begin thinking about life after law school. We'd like to thank Donna Gerson and the Career Strategies Office for their substantial donation and assistance making these materials more visible and accessible to our law students and patrons.