The Moot Court Board provides an opportunity to sharpen both written and oral advocacy skills through participation in competitions before hypothetical appellate courts at competitions across the country. Our students have performed extremely well in competition.
Past Competition Highlights
National Moot Court Competition
- 2021: Region 3 Regional Rounds Champions, Second place, final round best speaker, final round second best speaker, semifinal round best speaker, and best brief
Ellen A. Hennessy Employee Benefits Moot Court Competition
- 2024: Champions and Second Best Brief
- 2023: Second Place
- 2023: Third Place
- 2023: Best Oralist
- 2021: Champions and Best Brief
- 2018: Champions, Best Oralist, and Best Brief
Giles Sutherland Rich Memorial Moot Court Competition
- Semifinalists, Regional Champions, and Best Brief
Philip C. Jessup International Moot Court Competition
- 2022: Regional Champions
- 2020: Semi-Finalists and winners of Third-Best Brief in the Northeast Super-Region
- 2017: Champions in the Mid-Atlantic Super-Region
- 2016: Fourth-Best Brief in the Mid-Atlantic Super-Region
- 2015: Semi-Finalists and winners of Fourth-Best Brief in the Mid-Atlantic Super-Region
- 2014: First-Place Oralist in the Mid-Atlantic Super-Region
- 2013: Second-Place Oralist in the Mid-Atlantic Super-Region
- 2012: Champions in the Mid-Atlantic Super-Region
NY Bar Competition
- 2019: Semi-Finalists and Best Semi-Finals Oralist in the Northeast Super-Region
Saul Lefkowitz Trademark Law Moot Court Competition
- 2019: Second Place Oral Advocates
Albert R. Mugel National Tax Moot Court Competition
- 2017: Champions, Best Oral Advocate and Second-Best Brief
Giles Sutherland Rich Memorial Moot Court Competition
- 2023: Best Brief in Northeast Regionals
- 2020: Champions in the Northeast Super-Region
- 2013: Champions, Best Appellee Brief, Best Appellant Brief Authors, Northeast Super-Region
- 2012: Champions and Best Appellee Brief in the Southern Super-Region
- 2011: Best Oral Advocates, Best Combined Brief Score, Best Appellee Brief in Midwestern Super-Region
Thurgood Marshall Federal Bar Association Moot Court Competition
- 2019: Second Place Brief
- 2014: Second Place Brief
- 2012: First Place Brief
- 2009: Champions
Temple Regional Oral Argument Competition
- 2016: Best Overall Advocate
ABA Appellate Advocacy Competition
- 2015: Regional Semi-Finalists
National Security Law Moot Court Competition
- 2015: Best Oral Advocate and Best Overall Advocate
Judge John R. Brown Admiralty Moot Court Competition
- 2014: Second-Place Oralist