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SALURBlog is an online platform for dialogue and discussion on urban health (Salud Urbana) in Latin America, produced and coordinated by the SALURBAL project. SALURBAL researchers and members of the wider SALURBAL network contribute through SALURBlog to a regional and global conversation about urban health issues in Latin America. Contributors to the blog are experts in urban health, urban planning, and urban policy from across the region. 

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Mujer con máscara caminando

Mitigación y control del COVID-19: de Redes Complejas a Decisiones Informadas

Jul 28, 2020

Debido a las circunstancias precarias en las que se encuentra el continente americano ante la pandemia, un grupo de investigadores de SALURBAL discute un sistema de políticas y estrategias que han desarrollado como ayuda para los tomadores de decisiones en Colombia.

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Street bicycle sign

Safety by numbers, empirical evidence in Bogotá

Jul 23, 2020

Dario Hidalgo discusses a new SALURBAL study that estimated the cycling population in Bogota, Colombia and the distance traveled to calculate crash and fatality rates. 

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Street and park in Buenos Aires, Argentina

Integrating urban planning and public health for an effective COVID-19 response

Jul 07, 2020

“Pandemics, cities and public health”: New SALURBAL research examines connection between pollution and COVID-19

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Gathered people in a Brazilian slum


Jul 02, 2020

SALURBAL researchers discuss geopolitics and health in Brazil during the pandemic

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low income building in Mexico

Leganés, Iztapalapa and the Bronx: coronavirus and inequality in the global city

Jun 18, 2020

SALURBAL researchers discuss the uneven effect of the pandemic among social classes and how its transmission and consequences are determined by factors like type of work, housing and health status of the populations. 

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Man with mask sitting

Quando a realidade vira ficção: na contramão da geopolítica e saúde em tempos de pandemia no Brasil

Jun 17, 2020

Pesquisadores da SALURBAL do Brasil discutem geopolítica e saúde no país durante a pandemia

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Mexico traffic

COVID-19 and Public Transportation in Latin America

Jun 12, 2020

Dr. Alex Quistberg discusses a recent rapid review by SALURBAL investigators in Mexico that examined existing literature on potential infection risk in public transportation.

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person with phone, illustration


May 20, 2020

Mantenerse informado durante la pandemia puede ser un reto para muchos, especialmente en Latinoamérica. ¿A qué se debe el fenómeno de la infodemia y cómo podemos combatirla? ¿Cuál es el rol de los científicos y expertos?

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Honduras flag painted in bricks

¿Cómo influye el ambiente construido en las formas de violencia?

Apr 24, 2020

El Arq. Mario Matamoros realiza un análisis cartográfico de los crímenes registrados en Tegucigalpa para analizar la influencia del ambiente construido en las formas de violencia. 

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