Cost and Budget

Cost of Living in Philadelphia

Living in Philadelphia is considered affordable in comparison to other big cities in the United States. Below is an estimated budget that incoming students generally spend per quarter here at Drexel. Miscellaneous personal expenses are at the discretion of the student.

Housing $3,000 - 5,000 per quarter
Meals $1,000 - 2,000 per quarter
Books $300-500 per quarter
Health Insurance $600 - 1200 per quarter
Immunizations $0-300
SEVIS & Visa fees $450 (one-time fee)
Personal Expenses varies

 *The above amounts are estimates and are subject to change. Total does not include airfare or personal travel expenses. 

Cost of Tuition for Fee-Paying Visiting Students

Drexel offers fee-paying international visiting students a substantial 30% discount on its published fees per term, which can be consulted here. For example, the 2024 discounted rate was $14,009.80 per term. 

Fee-paying visiting students must pay tuition via the Drexel student e-bill. More information about using the Drexel student e-bill is linked here.

Scholarship Opportunity for Visiting Students

Students are encouraged to apply to our Visiting Student Project Scholraship which awards up to $500 for one term! Projects include blogging for Drexel Global's WordPress site, short-form video submissions and photo submissions.