Marve Tawomhera | Zimbabwe


Marvellous Tawomhera is a trade unionist, currently serving as the chairperson for the Women's Advisory Committee as well as the acting Young Workers Coordinator of the Zimbabwe Catering and Hotel Workers Union. She has more than a decade of experience lobbying and advocating for workers' rights. Marvellous has an advanced diploma in Hospitality Management and a certificate in Leadership Competence from Friedrich Ebert Stiftung. On completion of the Mandela Washington Fellowship for Young African Leaders, Marvellous intends to continue her efforts to transform working women's livelihoods and those of workers in general by striking a balance among business, government, and labor to create fair labor practices in Zimbabwe.

What do you do in your home country and what do you hope to do upon completion of your Fellowship? In particular, with the integration of your experiences with Drexel University?

I am a member of the Zimbabwe hotel and catering workers Union and affiliate to the Zimbabwe Congress of trade union, the largest labor body in my country. 

Upon completion of the fellowship at Drexel university I wish to carry vast knowledge obtained from the learnings and incorporate it in her day to day activities back home. I believe being part of such a prestigious university will allow for my leadership skills will be sharpened and enhanced in order to harness challenges confronted back home. Professional networking from other fellows from different countries and backgrounds will also go a long way as far as appreciating diversity, inclusion and adversity is concerned. I wish to share my cultural norms as well as embracing different cultures from other fellows with an open mind coupled with respect.

I see myself occupying a government position in future, talking about labor relations and how important labor is for the country's development. For a country to progress it requires workers to work for it therefore labor plays a very critical role in developing a nation. I look forward to learn more and to be equipped so as to become a better leader in future.

Do you have any hobbies or an interesting fact you wish to share about yourself?

Back in Zimbabwe I enjoy reading and music, interactions with others so as to share ideas and speak about challenges confronting different spheres with the intention of proffering solutions.

If I were to come to your home country, what is the first thing I should eat?

If you are to visit my country Zimbabwe I would be glad to offer you Sadza (our staple food) and a relish of your own choice which varies from beef stew, chicken, mazondo(cattle feet) or madora (mopane worms).