Loan Repayment

When entering into an agreement for a student loan, it is important to create an effective repayment strategy. The steps below are applicable regardless of your program of study and future post-Drexel plans. 

Effectively managing your student loans is a long-term goal that influences your credit, future plans, and overall financial health. 

Selecting a Repayment Strategy

Information about Campus-Based Loans

institutional and (previously-issued) Perkins loans are considered "campus-based loans" and are solely in the student's name, which means you are the only individual responsible for paying them back.

Drexel University utilizes Educational Computer Systems, Incorporated (ECSI) to manage all its campus-based loan programs, which include the following loan types:

  • Federal Perkins Loans (discontinued)
  • Drexel Institutional Loans
  • Drexel Emergency Loans
  • Primary Care Loans
  • Nursing Student Loans
  • HHS Loans for Disadvantaged Students

You can view your Perkins and institutional student loan accounts, download forms, update your address and make online payments by logging into the ECSI website. Your five-digit security code will be included on the first invoice from ECSI and will allow only you to access your confidential account information.

ECSI bills on the 15th of the month with payment due on the 1st of the month. Drexel University highly encourages you to participate in electronic billing for payment of your Perkins or institutional student loans. Mailed payments and correspondence, forbearance, deferment, and cancellation applications should be sent to:

100 Global View Drive, Suite 800
Warrendale, PA 15086

ECSI can also be contacted by:
Telephone – 888.549.3274
Fax – 886.291.5384

Contact Us


Monday–Friday: 9 a.m.–5 p.m.