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Dornsife Annual Pinning Ceremony Welcomes New Students, Faculty and Staff

students gather outside Nesbitt Hall before doing a campus tour

September 19, 2024

On Wednesday, September 18, 2024, the Dornsife School of Public Health (DSPH) hosted its Welcome and Pinning Ceremony event during Drexel Welcome Week. This longstanding event first initiated by founding dean and humanitarian, Dr. Jonathan Mann, is an opportunity for the DSPH community to formally welcome all new students, staff, and faculty.

In Nesbitt Hall or tuned in virtually, attendees gathered in the Stein Auditorium. The event kicked off with welcome remarks from Melissa Kaufman, EdD, Associate Dean for Education, and Gina Lovasi, PhD, MPH, Dana and David Dornsife Dean and Professor of Epidemiology. Each spoke of the School’s long-standing commitment to health as a human right and the critical role each person at DSPH plays in fulfilling its mission.

Next, guest speaker Darrin W. Anderson, Sr, PhD, MS, President and CEO of the Urban League of Philadelphia, addressed the attendees. He reflected on his career in public health which has embraced a holistic approach that recognizes the connection between affordable housing, community and economic development, employment, education, policy, and health equity.

"We have a big responsibility in public health. We cannot take our work lightly. Our job is to protect. Our job is to preserve. Our job is to look at these root causes and to approach them not only with a critical eye, but with a collaborative eye. Our job is to bring people together from various places and spaces so we can address these problems," said Anderson.

New members of the community were each presented with the Health and Human Rights pin by a faculty member representing each department — Community Health and Prevention, Environmental and Occupational HealthEpidemiology and Biostatistics, and Health Management and Policy. New students then stood together to recite the United Nations’ Universal Declaration of Human Rights pledge led by Lisa Frueh from the Public Health Doctoral Students Advisory Group (PHDSAG), Bharath Gowda from the Student Government Organization (SGO), and Shailly Verma from the Undergraudate Dornsife Student Government Organization (USGO). The declaration calls for dignity, freedom, and justice for all.

The event culminated with a reception where attendees could mingle over refreshments in Chapman Court. New students are set to begin classes on Monday, September 23, 2024.

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