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Population Health Spotlight Series - Dr. Michele Andrasik

Wednesday, January 29, 2025

2:00 PM-3:30 PM

"Infectious Disease: Prevention, Prediction, and Perspectives" is the theme of the Dornsife School of Public Health's 2024-25 Population Health Spotlight Series.

Speaker: Michele Andrasik, PhD, Director of Social Behavioral Sciences and Community Engagement for the Fred Hutchinson-based HIV Vaccine Trials Network and the COVID-19 Prevention Network, Principal Staff Scientist in the Fred Hutchinson Vaccine and Infectious Disease Division and an Affiliate Associate Professor, Departments of Global Health and Occupational and Environmental Medicine at the University of Washington

Title Talk: Effectively Engaging Communities in Research: Building Relationships & Establishing Trust

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Speaker Bio:

Michele Andrasik (she/her) is a clinical health psychologist working to build and enhance partnerships with priority communities in clinical research, with a focus on ongoing vaccine trials for HIV and COVID-19. She is the Director of Social Behavioral Sciences and Community Engagement for the Fred Hutchinson-based HIV Vaccine Trials Network (HVTN) and the COVID-19 Prevention Network, Principal Staff Scientist in the Fred Hutchinson Vaccine and Infectious Disease Division and an Affiliate Associate Professor in the Departments of Global Health and Occupational and Environmental Medicine at the University of Washington. Andrasik received her PhD in Clinical Health Psychology from the University of Miami. She also has master’s degrees in Health Education and Psychological Counseling from Columbia University. Andrasik brings expertise in community engagement, implicit bias, historical trauma, the utilization of Community-Based Participatory Research approaches, and Qualitative Research Methods.

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Dan Castranova

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Nesbitt Hall, Ruth Auditorium or via Zoom


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