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Dornsife COVID-19 Journal Club Discussion

Wednesday, May 26, 2021

1:00 PM-2:00 PM

Join the Dornsife COVID-19 Journal Club for a discussion on “Display and Perception of Risk: Analysis of Decision Support System: Display and its Impact on Perceived Clinical Risk of Sepsis-induced Health Deterioration."

The paper is by Muge Capan and colleagues from Drexel University’s Decision Sciences and Management Information Systems. Dr. Muge Capan (Decision Sciences/MIS) will discuss the paper, which is under initial peer review in the Health Informatics Journal. Since the paper is under review, we cannot preview it, but feel free to read through the abstract below. Although not specifically COVID-related, this topic, exploring how clinicians perceive clinical risk (and how clinical decision support systems can help determine clinical risk) has been included as part of a broader exploration on the topic of risk assessment and decision making. As we start back into the even newer new normal, we need to tackle the issues of decision making and risk taking in a world where we cannot achieve zero risk.

Abstract: Despite the acknowledgement of the value of clinical decision support systems (CDSS) in identifying risk for sepsis-induced health deterioration for hospitalized patients, the relationship between display features, decision maker characteristics, and recognition of risk by the clinical decision maker remains an understudied, yet promising, area. The objective of this study is to explore the relationship between CDSS display design and perceived clinical risk of in-hospital mortality associated with sepsis. The study utilized data collected through in-person experimental sessions with 91 physicians from the general medical and surgical floors who were recruited across 12 teaching hospitals within the United States. Result of descriptive and statistical analyses provided evidence supporting the impact of display configuration and clinical case severity on perceived risk associated with in-hospital mortality. Specifically, findings showed that high level of information (represented by the Predisposition, Infection, Response and Organ dysfunction (PIRO) score) and Figure display (as opposed to Text or baseline) increased awareness to recognizing the risk for in-hospital mortality of hospitalized sepsis patients. A CDSS display that synthesizes the optimal features associated with information level and design elements has the potential to enhance the quantification and communication of clinical risk in complex health conditions beyond sepsis. Drexel staff, faculty and students are welcome to take part in this discussion led by Dr. Elise Mosser.

Zoom link

If you have a paper or topic you’d like us to discuss or are interested in presenting, please reach out to Michael LeVasseur, PhD, MPH, assistant professor of epidemiology and biostatistics at Dornsife,

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Michael LeVasseur

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