Invited Speaker Series: Shawnita Sealy-Jefferson, PhD, MPH
Friday, November 13, 2020
12:00 PM-1:00 PM
The Epidemiology of Reproductive Justice
Shawnita Sealy-Jefferson, PhD, MPH, is an assistant professor in epidemiology at the Ohio State University College of
Public Health and the Principal Investigator and leader of the Social
Epidemiology to Eliminate Disparities (SEED) Lab. The mission of the
SEED Lab is to conduct high quality epidemiologic research to find
solutions to the disproportionate burden of infant mortality among
African American women. Dr. Sealy-Jefferson is a social epidemiologist
whose primary research seeks solutions to the long-standing racial
disparity in infant mortality, in which African American women are twice
as likely as White women suffer an infant death. The goal of her
scholarship is to inform future intervention studies, policy change, and
social activism. Sealy-Jefferson also has expertise in women’s health,
urban health, and chronic disease epidemiology.