Narcan Training
Wednesday, January 22, 2020
11:00 AM-12:30 PM
The Community Health and Prevention Club at Dornsife invite you to partake in a Narcan Training led by The Philadelphia Department of Public Health.
Drug abuse and overdoses are an ongoing crisis in Philadelphia, killing more than 1,200 people in 2017. The Medical Examiner reports that 88 percent of our fatal overdoses involve opioids, including heroin and fentanyl. This training will teach you concrete actions you can take to help combat the opioid crisis and prevent fatal overdoses. Trainees will learn:
- Information about the current state of the opioid crisis in Philadelphia
- Potential risk factors for opioid overdose
- Signs and symptoms of an opioid overdose
- Information about naloxone including: what it is, how to use it, & where to get it*
- The medical protocol for responding to an opioid overdose
- Information about PA's Standing Order for Naloxone, Act 139, and the Good Samaritan protection
*Medication not provided
This training counts as a breadth opportunity.
Students, faculty and staff are all welcome!
To receive a certificate, please
Contact Information
Claudia Zumaeta Castillo