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Policy Directory

This directory lists all Official University Policies as approved by the University President. It is not intended as a resource for unit- or department-level policies and procedures. Unit or departmental-level policies and procedures must not conflict with any Official University Policy and must be accessible to personnel to which the document applies. For more information regarding development, review and approval of Official University Policies, please visit the Policy Compliance Program section of this website. If you have any questions about this directory or the policies linked here, or need to report broken links, page errors or accessibility issues, please email

Please note that some links in this directory will require you to sign in with your Drexel username and password to view the policy. Please contact with any questions.

Policies by Sponsoring Unit

Policies by Name (A-Z)

Policies Under Review

Interim Policies

The following policies have undergone expedited review and are interim policies. They will next go through the standard review process within a year.

Policies by Sponsoring Unit

This section features all of Drexel’s Official University Policies, grouped by their Sponsoring Units and showing the number of policies in each Sponsoring Unit. Select the Sponsoring Unit to view a full list of their policies.