Course and Co-op Withdrawal

EFFECTIVE DATE: September 1, 2008
REVISION DATE: June 27, 2023
SUPERSEDES: Course Withdrawal


Withdrawal from a course or co-op after the official Add/Drop period affords a student the means to adjust course load or a co-op through a significant part of an academic term in accordance with the official course and co-op withdrawal deadlines.

This policy applies to all students except those in JD and MD degree programs.

Implementation of this policy is the responsibility of the Office of the Provost. For inquiries regarding this policy, please contact the Office of the Provost at


A. Statement of Policy for Course and Co-Op Withdrawal

a. Students may withdraw from a course or co-op during the withdrawal period beginning at the end of the course Add/Drop Period through the following dates:

Term System Close of Withdrawal Period
Quarter Friday of Week 7

Friday of Week 11


Accelerated Term Friday of Week 3

b. A Course Withdrawal is not permitted in situations involving academic dishonesty. A Course Withdrawal that was processed before a final sanction of academic dishonesty is applied will revert to the grade assigned by the instructor in accordance with the Academic Integrity Policy.

c. A Co-op Withdrawal is not permitted in every situation, for instance, after termination by a co-op employer or other circumstances resulting in a co-op failure (NCU).

B. Statement of Procedure for a Course Withdrawal

a. Course Withdrawal

1. Process for a Course Withdrawal

i. The University currently has two processes for withdrawing from a course; electronically, via DrexelOne, and by using the Course Withdrawal Form [PDF].

ii. While most students on the quarter calendar will be able to use the electronic course withdrawal process, there are restrictions. For more information about the electronic course withdraw process, please visit the following webpage: Withdrawing from a Course.

iii. For those submitting the Course Withdrawal Form, the student must secure instructor’s and advisor’s signatures or e-mail correspondence as verification of a discussion regarding their performance and progress in the program. The student submits the Course Withdrawal form to Drexel Central.

2. Implications and impact on the student’s academic record

i. Withdrawal from a course results in a grade of “W” being reflected on a student’s transcript with no impact to the grade point average (GPA).

ii. Withdrawal from a course may impact a student’s ability to progress in the major, as in the case of withdrawal from pre-requisite courses or a student’s eligibility for financial aid as described on the Satisfactory Academic Progress website.

iii. It is the responsibility of the student to ensure the accuracy of their course registration and to make appropriate changes as needed. Consultation with the student’s academic advisor is strongly recommended.

iv. It is the responsibility of the student to understand the impact of any change to course registration to their enrollment status (full-time vs. part-time) and financial aid eligibility. Course registration adjustments may impact billing and financial aid eligibility. Adding or dropping courses can have serious financial and academic implications, possibly affecting billing, financial aid, VA benefits, and eligibility to participate in NCAA athletic events and, for international students, immigration status.

3. Students are strongly encouraged to discuss the decision to withdraw with:

i. the course instructor to assess their performance and progress in the course and determine if withdrawal is warranted;

ii. their academic advisor to explore the impact of withdrawal on reasonable progress in the program given pre-requisite standards and potential course sequencing limitations; and

iii. Drexel Central representative to review impact of withdrawal on billing and current and future financial aid eligibility.

b. Late Course Withdrawal Appeal

1. A student unable to withdraw from a course(s) due to exigent circumstances after the close of the course withdrawal period may consider submitting a late Course Withdrawal appeal.

2. Students have from week eight (8) of any current term until fourteen (14) business days after the last day of Final Examinations to submit an appeal for a late Course(s) Withdrawal for that respective quarter, granted that no grades not submitted (GNS) were reported by the instructor. Student contesting earned grade should reference the Grade Appeals policy.

3. Students should initiate the late Course Withdrawal appeal with their academic advisor.

4. If a student has taken the final mode of assessment for a course(s) and received a final grade(s), they cannot request a late Course Withdrawal appeal.

5. Students who are seeking to withdraw from all courses for the quarter, should review the Withdrawal from the University and Leave of Absence polices.

Statement of Procedure for a Co-op Withdrawal

a. Co-op Withdrawal

1. Students are required to discuss the decision to withdraw from their co-op as soon as possible with:

i. their co-op employer to assess their performance and progress to determine if their resignation is warranted;

ii. their co-op advisor to help support them with the employer conversation;

iii. their academic advisor to explore the impact of withdrawal on reasonable progress in the program given pre-requisite standards and potential course sequencing limitations; and

iv. Drexel Central representative to review the impact of withdrawal on billing and current and future financial aid eligibility.

2. Implications and impact on the student’s academic record

i. Withdrawal from a co-op results in a grade of “W” being reflected on a student’s transcript with no impact to the grade point average (GPA).

ii. Students who are seeking to withdraw from a co-op while also not registered for any courses for that quarter will be placed on a Leave of Absence for the current term.

iii. Withdrawal from a co-op may impact a student’s progress toward degree completion.

iv. It is the responsibility of the student to ensure the accuracy of their co-op registration and to make appropriate changes as needed.

v. It is the responsibility of the student to understand the impact of any changes to co-op registration. Co-op registration adjustments can have serious financial and academic implications, possibly affecting billing, financial aid, VA benefits, and eligibility to participate in NCAA athletic events and, for international students, visa status.

b. Late Co-op Withdrawal Appeal

1. A student unable to withdraw from a co-op due to exigent circumstances after the close of the co-op withdrawal period may consider submitting a late Co-op Withdrawal appeal.

2. Students should initiate the late Co-op Withdrawal appeal with their co-op advisor.

3. If a student has completed the Employer Summary and Planner (ES&P) and received a final grade for co-op, they cannot request a late Co-op Withdrawal appeal.



A. Related Policies

B. Forms and Resources

    Withdrawing from a Course or Co-op information from Drexel Central



Effective Date: September 1, 2008
Revision Date: 
September 6, 2016
Revision Date: 
September 10, 2018
Revision Date: June 27, 2023