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Policy Compliance FAQs

How do I submit a new Official University Policy (Policy) or revision of an existing Policy for approval?

Please follow the Policy Compliance Process.

Who should be listed in the "Responsible Executive" section as the responsible party?

The Responsible Executive must be a senior leader (Dean, Vice President, or above), to whom the Sponsoring Unit reports directly.

What is the process for removing links/listings from the Policy Directory that are not Official University Policies?

Please send your request to remove the listing via email to Policy Compliance at and copy the Office of the General Counsel, any Affected Units, and the Responsible Executive associated with the Policy. Once the request is received, Policy Compliance will document the request, confirm that removal is appropriate with the indicated parties, and notify the requestor once the listing(s) have been removed from the directory.

Who is responsible for posting Policies that have been updated to the new template format to the University’s website and on the Policy Directory?

Each Sponsoring Unit is responsible for posting their updated Policies on their departmental websites, unless otherwise specified by the Director of Policy Compliance (DPC). Before posting updated Policies, the Sponsoring Unit must notify the DPC at that they have completed converting the existing Policy to the new template and are ready for it to be reviewed. After the DPC has reviewed the updated the Policy, the DPC will inform the Sponsoring Unit if further revisions are needed, or if the text is ready to be posted. The Sponsoring Unit may only proceed with posting the updated Policy once the DPC has confirmed via email that it is ready for posting.

If any changes are needed to the information about the Policy that is displayed on the Policy Directory (url, Policy Name, Sponsoring Unit, etc.), then please send an email to explaining the changes. The DPC will handle updating the Policy Directory accordingly.

What is the process for removing Policies that used to be active but are now obsolete?

For Policies that have become obsolete, the Sponsoring Unit should submit the request on the Statement of Intent to Decommission an Official University Policy form [PDF] to with the information described here. The Sponsoring Unit must indicate its intent to retire the Policy and provide a communication plan for this action. At this time, Policy Compliance will review the request with the Office of the General Counsel and any identified Affected Units to ensure decommissioning is appropriate. Upon confirmation, Policy Compliance, working with the Sponsoring Unit, will send the Statement of Intent to Decommission to the President's Cabinet for recommendation and approval by the President. If approved, the Policy will be decommissioned, removed from the Policy Directory and appropriately archived.

What is the process for correcting the Sponsoring Unit assigned to a Policy?

If you believe that a Policy is assigned to the wrong Sponsoring Unit, please work with the Office of the General Counsel (OGC) to identify the appropriate Sponsoring Unit and work with that Sponsoring Unit to transfer responsibility. Upon confirmation of transfer of responsibility, please submit an email with the subject: "Formal Request to Transfer Sponsoring Unit" to Policy Compliance at, and copy your OGC attorney and the new Sponsoring Unit's Responsible Executive. Policy Compliance will confirm the transfer of responsibility via email to all responsible parties, and then document the Policy appropriately.

What if, in the process of converting a Policy to the new Policy Template, we make additional, material changes to the Policy text?

Any time you make a material change to an existing Policy, or significant changes that may be considered material, the updated Policy must go through the steps outlined in the Policy Compliance Process. To begin, please submit the following documents to the Director of Policy Compliance ( existing Policy; updated Policy formatted in the new Policy Template, with material changes noted via Track Changes or highlighting; a completed Intake Form for Proposed Official University Policies [PDF].

When updating existing Policies is there an approved or recommended mode of noting changes for the metadata we are adding (responsible party, policy number, etc.) in order to differentiate these additions from the original text?

For such instances, please provide a copy of the original policy and a copy of the proposed policy using the new Policy Template. If the changes to the documentation include more information than simply transferring the document to the new Policy Template, that is, if new content that materially changes the Policy is added, please include with the Proposed Policy a completed Intake Form for Proposed Official University Policies [PDF], as the document would become a Proposed Policy must be reviewed according the Policy Compliance Process.