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Join the WELL Center

Research Coordinator

Applicants are being sought for several full-time research coordinator positions in the Drexel University Center for Weight, Eating and Lifestyle Science (WELL Center). The start date for the positions is Summer 2024. The positions are under the direction of Drs. Evan Forman, Meghan Butryn, Adrienne Juarascio, and Erica LaFata. 

NIH-funded clinical trials to be coordinated include the following:  

  • Activate: A Multiphasic Optimization Strategy (MOST) clinical trial investigating the independent and combinatory effects of mindfulness and acceptance-based components of behavioral treatment for lifestyle modification and weight control
  • ReLearn: A clinical trial investigating the efficacy and cost-effectiveness of an AI system for optimizing behavioral coaching for lifestyle modification
  • NeuroFit: An investigation of a gamified, self-help weight loss and neurotraining program for men 
  • Fitlink: This study provides behavioral weight loss to adults and tests ways in which sharing data from digital self-monitoring devices with other parties may improve outcomes.
  • Eatwell: If funded, this study will test a behavioral intervention designed to promote adherence to dietary guidelines for cancer prevention.
  • Acquire II: This study tests the independent and synergistic effects of various digital health treatment components as an adjunct to CBT for binge spectrum eating disorders
  • COMPASS: This study tests the independent and synergistic effects of 4 common acceptance and mindfulness based treatment components as augmentations to behavioral treatment for binge spectrum eating disorders. 
  • Response: This study examines differences in the rewarding characteristics of, and physiological and metabolic responses to, ultra-processed foods that are high in fat, refined carbohydrates (like sugar), or both.

The research coordination roles include overall coordination of all study elements; implementing an advertisement/recruitment plan; refining and implementing the assessment protocol; scheduling and conducting participant screening and clinical assessments; managing data and databases; maintaining contact and approvals with NIH and IRB; collecting data with wearable sensors. To apply, please take the following two steps: (1) Complete an official application. (2) Complete a supplemental information form. Applications are reviewed as they arrive, with the intent to begin interviews in February 2024, so please apply as soon as possible.

The Center is staffed by faculty, post-doctoral fellows, research coordinators, clinical psychology Ph.D. students, and undergraduate students, providing an environment rich in intellectual stimulation and mentorship. The position represents an excellent opportunity to gain experience in obesity/eating disorders clinical research and to be trained in both research and clinical tasks. This position provides excellent preparation for individuals who wish to pursue graduate study in clinical psychology or a related area. Opportunities also will be available, as desired, for grant application preparation, research diagnostic assessment training, additional data analysis, and preparation of poster presentations and/or manuscripts related to the projects. Coordinators also have the opportunity to be exposed to and, in many cases, involved in intervention delivery.

Prospective Graduate Students

For PhD admission in 2025 (i.e., with applications that will be due in late 2024), Drs. Butryn and Manasse are each planning on taking a student. 

PhD admissions plans for Drs. Forman and Juarascio are not yet finalized. Please check with these faculty closer to the application due date.


Drs. Butryn, Hagerman, LaFata (formerly Schulte), and Manasse are each planning on taking an MS student. 

MS admissions plans for Drs. Forman and Juarascio are not yet finalized. Please check with these faculty closer to the application due date.

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Prospective Undergraduate Students

The WELL Center has training opportunities for undergraduates from Drexel, University of Pennsylvania and other local universities. The opportunities take the form of research assistantships, part- and full-time co-ops, STAR student sponsorships and supervised honors thesis projects. If you have questions email

Click here to apply

mPOWER Summer Research Fellowship

The Minority Pipeline for Obesity and Eating Disorder Research (mPOWER) fellowship is designed to provide research experience and mentorship to underrepresented racial/ethnic minority individuals who are interested in pursuing a career in eating disorders and/or obesity research. Applications are due December 1, 2023 and fellowship decisions will be made in early February, 2024 for Summer 2024 fellowships.

Click here for the application and more information

Postdoctoral Research Fellow Positions

We are currently recruiting for several Postdoctoral Research Fellows in the areas of adolescent or adult obesity, eating disorders, and health-related behavior change under the supervision of Meghan Butryn, Evan Forman, Adrienne Juarascio, Ph.D. and/or Stephanie Manasse, Ph.D. Fellows will be assigned 1-2 primary mentors depending on their interests. Applicants should specify and rank order in their cover letter which mentor(s) they are interested in working with.

The positions entail working on NIH-funded clinical trials examining innovative interventions for adolescent and/or adult eating disorders, obesity, or disease prevention. Most positions will have both clinical and research components, with the split being flexible depending on interests, previous training, and availability. Applicants from fields other than psychology are also encouraged to apply. This training experience is designed to build expertise in clinical research in the areas of adolescent or adult eating disorder or obesity treatment. Fellows will engage in manuscript and grant-writing activities, and, depending on the position, may assist in the development of treatment protocols, lead interventions, supervise research staff, provide training to graduate students and junior team members. Good statistical and writing skills (e.g. publications) are required. Some positions may require experience with assessment methods (e.g., semi-structured diagnostic interviews) and a strong background in cognitive-behavioral and/or eating and weight-related treatments.

The positions may involve taking a prominent role in a number of NIH-funded projects that are developing and testing novel treatments. These projects include:

  • Juarascio: Development and evaluation of innovative treatments for eating disorders, with a current focus on both mindfulness and acceptance based treatments for eating disorders (NIMH R01) and just-in-time adaptive intervention (JITAI) augmentations to CBT for eating disorders (NIMH R01)
  • Butryn: behavioral weight loss, with a focus on optimal use of digital self-monitoring data; interventions to reduce intake of ultra-processed foods; improving adherence to dietary guidelines for cancer prevention; development of a patient navigator model to assist adults in identifying and persisting with evidence-based weight loss interventions
  • Manasse: Developing and testing novel treatments for adolescent and adult problematic eating behavior, including: An acceptance-based healthy lifestyle modification program for diverse adolescents (NIH R61/R33); A novel intervention integrating a sleep-focused intervention with lifestyle modification for adolescents (NIH R03); interventions to improve outcomes for binge-spectrum eating disorders (NIH projects under development/under review)
  • Forman: novel behavioral and technology-based interventions to promote health behavior; currently running 3 NIH R01-funded projects, i.e., Activate (Multiphasic Optimization Strategy Trial evaluating the independent effects of mindfulness and acceptance components of behavioral weight loss, ReLearn (evaluating an AI system for optimizing the delivery of weight loss interventions), and NeuroFit (evaluating whether gamification and neurocognitive training improve engagement and weight loss outcomes for men).

The fellow could assist with development and iteration of the treatments; data processing and analysis; and manuscript write-up. In addition, the fellow will help develop follow-up designs and grant proposals.

Research activities may include:

  • Overseeing research coordinators, undergraduate and graduate students
  • Monitoring study protocols
  • Assisting in the development of a treatment protocols
  • Providing training to graduate students
  • Assisting with development and iteration of the technologies, methodologies and algorithmic functions of the research projects
  • Data processing and analysis
  • Conducting statistical analyses
  • Developing follow-up designs and grant proposals
  • Writing scientific manuscripts.

Clinical activities may include:

  • Clinical service and/or supervision of clinical service.
  • Conducting assessments of potential participants.
  • Leading treatment groups.
  • Conducting outpatient treatment for adults or adolescents with eating and weight disorders.

Submit application here

Clinical Postdoctoral Fellow - Eating Disorders

We are currently recruiting for recruiting for a Postdoctoral-fellow-to-permanent-psychologist position under the supervision of Paakhi Srivastava, Ph.D.

The position entails working as a clinician in the WELL Clinic to deliver evidence-based treatments for eating disorders. The position is fully clinical, with 100% of the time dedicated to direct clinical contact, case management, individual and group supervision (2-4 hours per week), and administrative duties related to clinical work. The majority of the fellow's time will be spent in delivering individual outpatient treatments (e.g., CBT) for eating disorders. The fellow will carry a caseload of approximately 15-20 individual patients and will gain sufficient hours for licensure after 1 year. This training experience is designed to build expertise in evidence-based treatment for eating disorders and to gain mandated hours and supervision for state licensure purposes.

Once licensed, the postdoctoral fellow will transition to the permanent psychologist position. In the new role, depending upon interest, the psychologist will provide training and supervision to the trainee clinicians (e.g., clinical interns), lead the development of a new treatment track, participate in outreach programming to local area providers to improve awareness of eating concerns and familiarity with WELL Clinic services; and engage in ongoing training to remain aware of current treatment trends and gain competency in specialized treatments that have proven efficacy (e.g., mindfulness and acceptance-based treatments for eating disorders). Finally, the WELL Clinic will support the clinician by offering ongoing weekly group supervision and by supporting continuing education opportunities.
This position also offers opportunities to collaborate on research (e.g., co-developing treatment manuals, provision of treatment as a study therapist, writing scientific manuscripts, and presenting papers at conferences), though this allocation is flexible depending on interests. This is an excellent opportunity to work directly with and gain mentorship from leading authorities in eating disorder treatment.

The ideal candidate will have a doctorate in clinical psychology and have experience with CBT for eating disorders. Training and experience with evidence-based, manualized, and/or cognitive behavioral treatments for psychopathology (e.g., anxiety, depression, eating disorders) are required.

People without eating disorder specialization with a strong background in cognitive behavioral treatment and masters level clinicians are encouraged to apply; strong training in treatment for eating disorders will be provided.

Submit application here

Join our team!

The WELL Center is an interdisciplinary clinical research center, which develops, tests and disseminates new behavioral and technological solutions to the problems of obesity, poor diet, sedentary behavior, and disordered eating. Currently, the Center houses 55 faculty, staff, fellows and students, and 19 grant-funded projects valued at $27.2M. Faculty at the WELL Center have been successful at attracting federal and foundation funding, and generating high-impact scientific scholarship in large part through a team science approach to research.  I.e., they advise each other, co-write grant proposals and manuscripts, and serve as co-investigators on each other’s projects. The WELL Center has a superior research infrastructure and an overall excellent scientific environment. As a result, members have outsized success, in terms of scholarship, scientific impact, extramural funding, and training-related outcomes (eg attainment of Ph.D., internship and postdoctoral positions).

Drexel is a world-class comprehensive research university committed to use-inspired research with real-world applications, and the University's research activities result in more than $131 million in annual expenditures for sponsored projects. Drexel was founded in 1891 and is one of the nation’s largest private universities. Drexel is also ranked in the top 8% of U.S. colleges and universities in a list compiled by The Wall Street Journal and Times Higher Education, and was recently named the most innovative mid-sized research university in the country.

Drexel's hometown of Philadelphia is one of the nation's first and largest cities, and the birthplace of the nation. The city regularly wins awards (e.g., City of the Year, Best Restaurant City, Best Place to Visit, Most Walkable City, Coolest City, First World Heritage City, Best Shopping City), and offers a plethora of opportunities to learn, play, work, and engage in the arts, history, and culture.