WELL Center Child and Adolescent Eating and Weight Disorders Research Program

The Child and Adolescent Program within the WELL Center at Drexel University conducts research and provides high-quality, evidence-based treatment and clinical services to children and adolescents ages 12-22 with eating and weight concerns, as well as interventions for parents whose adolescents are currently receiving treatment.


Eating and weight issues such as binge eating, purging, restrictive eating and overweight/obesity often start during childhood and adolescence. Eating disorders and obesity can poorly impact a child or teen’s quality of life and may cause severe and life-threatening health complications. Early detection and effective treatment are necessary to prevent the problematic medical and psychological consequences of eating and weight disorders. Further, improvements to parenting practices around food and emotion are associated with better outcomes for adolescents receiving treatment.

Complete the first step of entering a research study or the clinic

See below for more details on ongoing no-cost clinical trials and fee-for-service options at the Child and Adolescent Program at the WELL Center.


Mind Your Heart for adolescent girls (ages 14-19) with overweight/obesity

Mind Your Heart is a healthy lifestyle program tailored to meet the needs of adolescent girls living in Philadelphia. Adolescents who are eligible for this no-cost program will be randomized to either an acceptance-based treatment or health education program, through which they will attend group sessions and receive support from group leaders over the course of 6 months. Participants will be asked to complete 5 assessments throughout the study to help us measure the effectiveness of the program. Assessments will include completing surveys, an interview, and some health measurements (e.g., height, weight, blood pressure). Participants will be compensated for the completion of these assessments. To find out more, email wellteen@drexel.edu or complete an interest survey by clicking here, or visit the Mind Your Heart home page.

Project STAR for adolescents (ages 14-18) with overweight/obesity

Does your teen want to lose weight and create a healthy lifestyle? Your teen may be eligible to virtually attend 16, no-cost weekly group sessions. In these group sessions, teens will learn to eat a balanced diet, increase their physical activity, improve their sleep, and lead a healthier life. Parents and teens will complete surveys and interviews as part of assessments. To find out more, email wellteen@drexel.edu or , complete an interest survey by clicking here, or visit the Project STAR home page.

Teen Citizen Scientists: A Youth Advisory Board

The Teen Citizen Scientists (TCS) is a newly launched youth advisory board that helps us improve our research by giving the teens and young adults (14-22 years old) the ability to provide feedback on study design, develop recruitment strategies, and communicate scientific findings to the community. Teens will have the opportunity to get involved with an NIH-funded grant and learn about research in clinical psychology. This is a paid ($20/hr), low-burden activity (1-hour meetings every other month). To find out more, email questions to the board director, Jannah Moussaoui (jrm486@drexel.edu), or complete an application by clicking here.

WELL Clinic — The WELL Clinic provides fee-for-service treatment options for individuals struggling with eating and weight disorders.