Drexel Faculty and Students Present at the Annual ESS Meeting
March 25, 2019
The Eastern Sociological Society (ESS) Annual Meeting was held in Boston, MA from March 14-17, 2019. ESS was founded in 1930 to support sociological research in the northeast United States, and has about 1,200 members. Drexel faculty and students participated in the conference, making critical contributions to global health, medical education, race and clinical medicine, social theory and urban sociology.
Drexel faculty and a postdoctoral fellow presented original research and organized mini-conferences and paper sessions:
- Susan Bell, Panelist, Mini-Conference: Global Health: I. Medical Sociology and Global Health
- Susan Bell, Discussant, Mini-Conference: Global Health: II. Global Health and Social Theory
- Joshua Howard, “Durkheim, Today's Division of Labor, and the Fate of Cosmopolitanism”
- Kevin Moseby, Organizer, Session: Facts and Fictions about Race and the Biomedicalized Body
- Kevin Moseby, “Beyond Stigma and Homophobia: HIV/AIDS Activism and the Black American Social Body”
- James Parisot, “Many Masculinities in the Rise of American Capitalism”
- Kelly Underman, Organizer, Mini-Conference: Health Professions Education in the 21st Century
- Kelly Underman (with Danielle Giffort and Laura Hirshfield), “Considering Simulated Patients' Identities: The Case of Trans SPs”
- Kelly Underman (with Katherine McCabe and Laura Hirschfield), “Making the Subjective, Objective?: Assessing Decision-Making and Evaluation Among Standardized Patients”
- Lillian Walkover and Susan Bell, “Pathways to Re-certification for International Medical Graduates”
- Lillian Walkover, “Making Locals Makes Global: How the Production of Local Knowledges Propels Global Travels”
Two Drexel undergraduate students presented original posters:
- Craig VanRemoortel, “Canine Companions: How Dogs Affect the Social Behavior of Their Owners in Urban Spaces” (working with Prof. Jason Orne)
- Nina Olney, “The Sociology of Modern Art Crawls” (working with Prof. Jason Orne)
Drexel undergraduate Craig VanRemoortel presents sociological research on social interaction in Philadelphia dog parks.
Drexel undergraduate Nina Olney presents sociological research on art walks in cities.