Department of Sociology

Drexel sociology majors and minors are trained to identify hidden biases embedded in social norms, policies and institutions, which often privilege certain groups while making others vulnerable.

Sociology investigates how communities are formed and maintained and how people resist social conventions and inequalities. Drawing from Philadelphia's rich cultural landscape, Drexel's Bachelor of Arts degree in Sociology educates students to examine the interplay between institutions and individuals to better understand how one’s life is shaped by society. Students develop strong skills in critical thinking, research design, research methods, data analysis, writing and public speaking in order to address contemporary social challenges.

Get Rooted in Social Justice

The Drexel Department of Sociology is committed to promoting social justice and advancing equality. Our students gain a deep understanding of structural inequalities, the dynamics of power and the development of "the sociological imagination.” They become effective change agents by actively participating in research, advocacy and community service across three major subfields: environmental sociology, health and medical sociology, and urban sociology.

Experience Hands-on Learning

We immerse students in sociological theory and methods through community-engaged and experiential instruction and by working closely with people who live in diverse communities. By connecting local and global field sites to classrooms, our students encounter research questions and educational insights firsthand. Instruction is built on a framework of mutual collaboration between faculty, students and community members. Drexel’s renowned cooperative education program allows students to explore their career options, build their résumés and foster a  professional network with three, six-month periods of full-time employment.

About the Drexel Co-Op

Participate in Research

Sociology students participate in research with our faculty members, dedicated sociologists who work to expand findings beyond the academic setting and apply solutions to urgent social problems across communities. The Humanities and Social Sciences Labs and the Center for Science, Technology and Society at Drexel supports faculty and students who explore the forefront of public issues –including climate change, crime, environmental justice, new media, emergent technologies, urban sexuality and politics – through research and educational programs.

Career Options

Sociologists work in a wide variety of settings. Our students may go on to serve as research analysts for health care agencies, governments and market research firms. Others bring their analytical skills and research methods training to careers in urban planning, survey research, public relations, organizational management, trend analysis and public policy. Through critical reflection, hands-on experience and innovative instruction, each course, from the introductory to the capstone, enables sociology majors – and students from every Drexel College and School – to apply a lens of social justice to their academics, career and beyond.

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Prospective Students

Please email or call us at 215.895.1805 with any questions you may have. We look forward to hearing from you!

Undergraduate Advising

Tara Liss-Marino, Director of Undergraduate Student Advising and Success, Drexel University College of Arts and Sciences
Tara Liss-Mariño, PhD

Director of Advising and Student Success
MacAlister Hall, Room 3020
215.571.4469 |

Contact Us

Department of Sociology

3201 Arch Street
Philadelphia, PA 19104