Research in Pediatric and Child Psychology

Child drawing with chalk on a sidewalk

Pediatric and child psychology is a broad subfield that examines the development, behavior and mind of children. The psychology department has two faculty labs devoted to child psychology research topics.

Learning and Developmental Disabilities Educational Neuropsychology Research (LADDER) Lab

Drexel Ladder Lab is an educational neuropsychology research lab focused on understanding the cognitive and neuroanatomical underpinnings of developmental learning disorders, particularly Down syndrome and Fragile X syndrome.

Current Child Psychology Research Projects Include:

  • A study of the cognitive predictors of reading comprehension impairments in youth with Down syndrome
  • The utility of an iPad-based memory test to evaluate the nature of memory impairments in youth with Down and Fragile X syndromes
  • A study of parenting behaviors and their relation to executive functioning in youth with Down syndrome

The long-term goal of our research is to identify novel targets of treatment for the amelioration of the cognitive weaknesses associated with different neurodevelopmental disorders.


Nancy Raitano Lee, PhD, Assistant Professor of Psychology

Rebecca Laquaglia, Research Coordinator | 215.553.7164

Visit the LADDER Lab Website

Pediatric and Child/Adolescent Psychology (PCAP) Lab


  • Clinical child and pediatric psychology
  • Child trauma
  • School-based mental health

The Pediatric and Child/Adolescent Psychology (PCAP) Lab is broadly interested in clinical child and pediatric psychology, and school mental health intervention and promotion. We research school-based prevention and intervention programs for emotional, behavioral, and social problems in at-risk children, factors associated with positive and negative outcomes for children exposed to trauma and biopsychosocial stressors, psychosocial and neuropsychological correlates of childhood chronic illness, and diagnosis and associated sequelae for children exposed to trauma.

Current Child Psychology Projects Include:

  1. Development, implementation, and evaluation of a socioemotional learning program for 1st and 2nd graders and their parents
  2. A pilot study (in collaboration with NeuroFlow, a local technology startup) to evaluate the feasibility and effectiveness of using a mental health technology platform by school mental health counselors working in low-income high schools
  3. Assessment of youth bias victimization in school age-youth (in partnership will colleagues at UNH).

Contact Information

Primary Investigator:
Brian P. Daly, PhD, Interim Department Head; Associate Professor

Michael Silverstein, Doctoral Student

Chandler Puhy, Doctoral Student

Visit the Pediatric and Child/Adolescent Psychology (PCAP) Lab Website