LADDER Lab: Join a Study

Department of Psychological and Brain Sciences

Research Focused on Children: Drexel Brain and Sleep Study

Child Brain and Sleep Study

Researchers at Drexel University are seeking child participants with Down syndrome and typically developing peers for a study of brain function and sleep.

Who can participate?
For children with Down syndrome, the study inclusion criteria are as follows. Child (a) is between the ages of 5 and 17 years, (b) has a genetically-confirmed diagnosis of Down syndrome due to trisomy 21 or translocation, (c) is free of traumatic brain injuries, seizure disorders, or other neurological disorders, and (d) comes from a household in which English is spoken. 

For children with typical development, the study inclusion criteria are as follows. Child (a) is between the ages of 3 and 17 years, (b) is free of developmental, learning, neurological, and psychiatric disorders as well as a history of traumatic brain injury (c) is not taking psychotropic medications (i.e., medications for psychological, behavioral, or neurological conditions), and (d) comes from a household in which English is spoken. 

Where does the study take place?
Research activities are completed at Drexel University. It may also be possible to arrange testing at another location if staffing and scheduling permits.

What can I expect to happen in this study?
Participation involves the following for children: (a) wearing a watch to monitor sleep for a week, and (b) completing testing to examine thinking and learning skills while brain function is measured using a portable neuroimaging device that is worn across the forehead and looks like an athletic headband. Participation for parents involves completing a log about their child’s sleep for two weeks and other study questionnaires. Families will be compensated for their time with a gift card. Additional compensation for parking costs will be provided.

How long am I part of the study?
For children, a watch will be worn for a week to monitor sleep and testing will take about 2 hours. For parents, questionnaire completion takes about 1.5 hours.

I want to learn more. Who do I contact for more information?
If you are interested in this research study, which has been approved by the Drexel University Institutional Review Board, please contact Dr. Nancy Raitano Lee at 215.553.7164 or

For more details about the study, view this informational video.

Select this link or scan the QR Code to share your contact information with study personnel to learn more about the study.

Drexel LADDER Lab Child Brain and Sleep Study

Watch our video

Project ASPIRE: Online Study for Family Members of Adults with Down Syndrome

ASPIRE — Assessing Skills that Predict Independence and Readiness for Employment

ASPIRE Adult Outcomes

Researchers at Drexel University are conducting a study to understand more about cognitive and behavioral factors that are associated with vocational outcomes and independent living skills among young adults with Down syndrome.

Who can participate?

To participate, you must be the family member of an adult with Down syndrome (who is between the ages of 18 and 39 years).

Where does the study take place?
All activities are completed online.

What can I expect to happen in this study?
You will be asked to answer questions about your family member’s behavior, daytime activities, and your family’s background. You will be compensated for your time with a gift card.

How long am I part of the study?
Participation takes approximately 1.5 hours.

I want to learn more. Who do I contact for more information?
If you want to determine if you are eligible to participate and begin to complete study procedures, select the Study Link. Scan the QR code below to determine if you are eligible.

Drexel LADDER Lab Project ASPIRE: Online Study for Family Members of Adults with Down Syndrome

If you have questions or want to contact the study's Principal Investigators, Dr. Nancy Raitano Lee and Dr. Gregory Wallace, please email or call 215.553.7164.

Project ASPIRE: Study for Adults with Down syndrome

ASPIRE — Assessing Skills that Predict Independence and Readiness for Employment

ASPIRE Adult Brain Function Study

Researchers at Drexel University are conducting a research study to understand more about brain function, cognitive abilities, and adult outcomes (e.g., vocational outcomes and community living skills) among young adults with Down syndrome.

To qualify, participants must:

  • Be between 18 and 39 years of age.
  • Have a genetically confirmed diagnosis of Down syndrome.
  • Have had less than two seizures.
  • Have not had a head injury that involved loss of consciousness.
  • Speak English.

Participation involves the following:

  • A ~1 hour session that involves completing problem-solving tasks and other activities to evaluate thinking and learning.
  • Wearing a band on your head to measure brain function.

Where does the study take place?
The test session takes place at Drexel University; however, alternative testing locations can be arranged if needed.

I want to learn more. Who do I contact for more information?
If you are interested in this research study, you can email us, call us, or share your contact information by scanning the QR code below:

Drexel LADDER Lab ASPIRE — Assessing Skills that Predict Independence and Readiness for Employment

If you have questions or want to contact the study Principal Investigators, Dr. Nancy Raitano Lee and Dr. Gregory Wallace, please email or call 215.553.7164.