Distinguished Lectures

Date Speaker Title
May 21, 2019 Wilfrid Gangbo, PhD Optimal Mass Transport Theory
February 9, 2018 Moon Duchin Gerrymandering and the Mathematics of Voting Rights
May 17, 2016 Allen Knutson, PhD Mathematics and Juggling
September 29, 2014 Irene Fonseca, PhD Mathematics of Imaging / Variational Methods in Materials and Image Processing
May 10, 2013 Alan Edelman, PhD Random Matrices, Numerical Computation and Applications / Hermite, Laguerre and Jacobi
April 30, 2012 Bernd Sturmfels, PhD Tropical Mathematics / Central Curve in Linear Programming
May 11, 2011 Douglas Arnold, PhD Mathematics that Swings: The Math Behind Golf / Finite Element Exerior Calculus: Where Numerical PDS Meets Topology
April 28, 2010 Simon Gindikin, PhD Integral Geometry as Gelfand's Way of Discovering Mathematics
April 21, 2009 Richard Stanley, PhD Increasing and Decreasing Subsequences
January 15, 2009 George Andrews, PhD Lessons from Ramanujan's Lost Notebook
December 6, 2007 Yakov Sinai, PhD The Littlewood Conjecture and Ergodic Theory
January 10, 2007 Ingrid Daubechies, PhD Surfing with Wavelets (Dean's Seminar Series)