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Lincoln Rehm, PhD Candidate in Environmental Science at Drexel University

Lincoln Rehm

Department of Biodiversity, Earth and Environmental Science
Office: ANSP - RM304

Research Interests:

Symbiosis between giant clams and zooxanthellae


I have always had a fascination with the marine environment, especially coral reefs, which led me to work at a research facility in Palau for about three years. As a researcher there, I worked on projects in which the results from our scientific work directly impacted conservation efforts in Palau. After working in Palau, I realized my future should involve this type of applicable research, which is why I jumped at the opportunity to continue my education specifically on giant clams. I hope the research I develop will further our understanding of the symbiosis between giant clams and zooxanthellae while also providing results which can positively impact the conservation of these organisms.