Headings make a page easier to navigate by ordering the level of information from most important to least important, using font size as a visual representation of information hierarchy. People visiting a page for the first time will often skim the content first, using the headings as a way to see the page's structure at a glance. Additionally, search engines use the heading tags to index your website, which helps improve search engine optimization (SEO).
It is important to remember two things:
- Heading tags are to be used to create headings only. Do not use heading tags as an "easy way" to create bigger or bolder text.
- Conversely, only create headings with the heading tags. Manually increasing text size or weight may look like a heading, but does not function like one.
Drexel's heading styles look like the following:
Adding a Heading
To add a Heading simply Highlight the text you would like the heading to be and choose "Heading #" in the drop down above.