Announcing the First Annual Drexel Emerging Graduate Scholars Conference
January 3, 2017
On behalf of the Graduate College, Graduate Student Association (GSA), and Office of Research, we are pleased to announce the first annual Drexel Emerging Graduate Scholars Conference, a University-wide conference, to be hosted this spring, focused on innovative and interdisciplinary graduate research at Drexel.
This full-day conference offers the opportunities for Drexel graduate students to showcase their interdisciplinary research, participate in in-demand professional development workshops, and network with colleagues and professionals across diverse fields. In addition, the University community will have the opportunity to learn more about the innovative and problem-solving research of Drexel’s brightest graduate students.
Please save the date: Thursday, April 27, 2017, and be on the lookout for further information regarding submitting abstracts and registering for conference events. For more information please visit the Drexel Emerging Graduate Scholars Conference webpage, or email
We hope to see you there for this exciting and collaborative initiative!
Jerry John Nutor
President of the Graduate Student Association
James Herbert, PhD
Dean of the Graduate College and Executive Vice Provost
Aleister Saunders, PhD
Senior Vice Provost for Research