
Photo Main Lab
Photo Main Lab

The following is a list of equipment available to every Photography Major at Drexel. Incoming students are not required to bring any personal equipment.


  • Canon 5Ds SLR Digital Cameras (6): These 50.6 Mega Pixel Full Frame SLRs are used in our studio and are also available for student use outside of the lab.  Camera has full HD video recording with sound. The giant full-frame sensor creates large, sharp files and allows for large scale printing. Range of lenses available.
  • Canon 5D Mark IV SLR Digital Cameras (5): These 30.4 Mega Pixel Full Frame SLRs are used in our studio and are also available for student use outside of the lab.  Camera has 4K video with sound. The speed and compact size makes the 5D MKIV a versatile camera that creates large files and allows for large scale printing. Range of lenses available.
  • Canon 5D Mark III SLR Digital Cameras (8): These 22.3 Mega Pixel Full Frame SLRs are used in our studio and are also available for student use outside of the lab.  Camera has HD 1080p video with sound. The speed and compact size makes the 5D MKIII a versatile camera that creates large files and allows for large scale printing. Range of lenses available.
  • Canon 5D Mark II SLR Digital Cameras (10): These 21.1 Mega Pixel Full Frame SLRs are used in our studio and are also available for student use outside of the lab.  Camera has HD 1080p video with sound. The speed and compact size makes the 5D MKII a versatile camera that creates large files and allows for large scale printing. Range of lenses available.
  • Hasselblad Medium Format Cameras (28): Each camera comes fitted with a 80mm lens and multiple accessories available to the students. These include 4 full extension tube sets, and several different lenses: 50mm, 60mm, 120mm, and 150mm.
  • 4x5 Toyo Field Cameras (15) & 4x5 Shen Hao Field Cameras (16): During the Large Format Class students receive one of the two types of field cameras for the term. These 4x5 cameras are meant for travel. Housed in a backpack, the camera allows for the crispness of a 4x5 while on the move. The program also has accessories and additional lenses: 75mm, 90mm, 125mm, 135mm, 150mm, and 210mm.
  • 8x10 Large Format Cameras (2): Beautiful cameras that produce negatives that are eight inches by ten inches. Giving extreme crispness and image quality.
  • Accessories: We have additional lenses, filters, and accessories for all of our cameras.  We also have audio recording equipment for the Canon cameras.


  • Dynalite Studio Series Strobe Equipment: Studio Strobes are used by both commercial and fine art photographers to control or manipulate the light on set or location. In our generous studio space there is enough equipment for 6 people to shoot at the same time.
  • Arri Hotlights: Continuous, smooth, even field of light hotlights are used by both commercial and fine art photographers to control or manipulate the light on set. 
  • Accessories: The program provides all the essentials needed to successfully shoot in the studio, including soft boxes, umbrellas, ring flash, beauty dish, stands, backdrops, canvases, reflectors, and more.


  • Godox Location Lighting Equipment (10): Studio quality lighting for on location use. These kits can be powered by both conventional 120v AC power as well as Lithium Ion batteries, providing students with an in credibly versatile tool for location lighting where logistical concerns would prevent the use of conventional studio-based strobe lighting.
  • Dyna Light Studio Location Kits (4): Portable lighting kits designed for lighting out of the studio, giving students the same control over light as in the studio. Two small cases contain everything needed for location lighting.
  • Vivitar 285HV Flashes (18): Flashes can be used on camera or off camera in multiples with the use of Pocket Wizards.
  • Canon Speedlight 430EX II Flashes (6): Flashes can be used on camera or off camera in multiples with the use of Pocket Wizards.
  • Honl Photo Flash Modifier Kits (6): Flash modifier kits consist of a softbox, grid, snoot, and reflectors designed to attach onto our flashes for added versatility.
  • Pocket Wizard PLUS II Transceivers (26):  Radio triggering system will allow students to work wirelessly with flashes and Dyna Lights


  • 402 Lab: This lab is used as flex space for photo majors as well as the classroom for two non-major offered classes. This lab consists of 16 Apple iMacs, with Intel processors and the latest software and equipment including: Adobe Creative Suite CS, Lightroom, InDesign, Epson 3880 Printers and more.
  • Lab 404: This lab consists of 16 Intel powered Apple iMac workstations, with all the latest programs. The lab has 8 Canon P1000 printers and one Epson V700 scanner for each station (16). This lab also contains our largest format printer, Epson 9900. It is mostly used as a classroom and open lab space.
  • Lab 406: This lab consists of 8 Intel powered Apple iMac workstations and Epson V700 scanners. It also contains two of our large format printers, Epson 7800 and Epson 7880, as well as 2 Epson 3800 and 2 Canon P1000 printers, in addition to all the latest programs. This lab is used as open lab space for students. Seniors are able to receive a key to this room for 24hr access throughout the year.
  • Support Digital Lab – Room 407: This lab contains two Imacon Virtual Drum Scanners and Epson V750 scanner. It also contains a large format Epson 7880 printer that is used for the creation of digital negatives. The room is used for our student scanning service.
  • Studio Lab: six dedicated Intel powered Apple iMac workstations dedicated to studio tethering with Lightroom and Capture One Pro.

The following are descriptions of all the equipment contained within the four labs described above.

  • 20" Apple Intel iMac Computers (47): The program runs every industry standard program on our computers and they are accessible to every photo student. Programs include Photoshop CS, Illustrator, In Design, and many more.
  • Epson 3880 Printers (8): Archival Printers (prints will last 100+ years) are designed exclusively for sheet paper, printing up to 17” across. The 3800’s have superior sheet handling capability. These produce great color and black and white images.
  • Epson SC P900 Printers (8): Archival Printers (prints will last 100+ years) are designed exclusively for sheet paper, printing up to 17” across. The 3800’s have superior sheet handling capability. These produce great color and black and white images.
  • Canon P1000 Printers (12): Archival Printers (prints will last 100+ years) are designed for printing up to 17” across. They produce beautiful black and white and color images.
  • Epson 7800 Printer (2): Archival Printer (prints will last 100+ years) are designed for roll and sheet paper and print up to 24” across at any length. It produces beautiful black and white and color images.
  • Epson 7880 Printer (2): Archival Printers (prints will last 100+ years) are designed for roll and sheet paper and print up to 24” across at any length. They produce beautiful black and white and color images.
  • Canon P4000 Printer (1): Archival Printer (prints will last 100+ years) are designed for roll and sheet paper and print up to 44” across at any length. They produce beautiful black and white and color images.
  • Epson V700 (21): These Epson scanners will scan prints, transparencies, negatives, or flat objects and produce high resolution files. They produce beautiful image quality for images printed up to 16x20.
  • Epson V750 (1): This Epson scanner has groundbreaking 6400 dpi resolution.  It produces beautiful image quality for images printed up to 20x24.  A trained work-study or independent study student will scan negatives for all of our students.
  • Imacon Virtual Drum Scanner (2): These scanners are our solution to the costly Drum Scan. These scanners will match the high quality of a drum scan and is cost-free to our students. A trained work-study or independent study student will scan negatives for all of our students.


  • Critique Room: This room is for lectures and critiques. It also doubles as a workroom for print finishing and other miscellaneous items. It has great, even lighting, perfect for critique and print evaluation.
  • Advanced Lab: This large lab consists of 6 different areas which are used by photo majors only.
    • This large lab consists of 6 different areas which are used by photo majors only.
    • Classroom Area: This area is used for about half of the upper level courses. It acts as a classroom and a social space when classes are not in session.
    • Archival Wash & Developing Area: This space is used for archival processing of prints, film developing, and print drying. In addition, it is used for print flattening, shooting slides, and dry mounting.
    • Advanced Darkroom: The advanced darkroom consists of 15 individual printing rooms. Each room contains one enlarger that can print 35mm, 4x5 (large format), and 120mm (medium format) black and white and color film. This room is used by freshman, sophomores, and juniors, with approximately 50 students a term eligible for use, there is never a problem getting an enlarging space. All black and white printing chemicals in this lab are supplied by the program for the students.
    • Non-Silver and Sheet Film Room: These rooms, each designed for their particular purpose, are used for 4x5 film development, toning, and non-silver processing (cyanotypes, tintypes, albumen, palladium, salt printing and other non-silver processes). Also located in our sheet film room is our 8 x 10 enlarger. Both rooms can be checked out and used for more controlled and private printing.
    • "The Cage": The cage houses all of our camera equipment and enlarging accessories for checkout. The cage is also home to the full-time photography department staff offices as well as student work studies who check out darkroom equipment to other students. The cage provides a constant presence in the lab if a student needs printing advice, technical assistance or any other help. Most photo students with a work-study grant work in the cage


  • A generous space for students to work with both natural and artificial light sources.  Space is large enough for six groups of students to work on individual sets. 


Photo Classroom
Photography Classroom

Photo Darkroom
Photo Darkroom

Darkroom Classroom
Darkroom Classroom

Photo Critique Room
Photo Critique Room

Photo Main Lab
Photo Main Lab

Photo Support Lab
Photo Support Lab

Photo Processing Lab
Photo Processing Lab