Accelerated Degrees

Accelerated degree programs enable academically qualified students to earn both a bachelor's and an advanced degree — graduating sooner than they would in traditional programs. Depending on the academic program, eligible students can be admitted to an accelerated degree program in one of two ways: 

  • During Freshmen Admissions
  • As a Current Student (depending on specific program criteria)

Westphal College offers accelerated degree options through Freshman Admissions: 

BS/MS Programs: 

Interior Architecture & Design 
Digital Media 

BA/MS Programs: 

Art History-Arts Administration 
Art History – Museum Leadership 

BS/MBA Programs: 

Fashion Industry & Merchandising/MBA 
Entertainment and Arts Management/MBA 
Music Industry/MBA 

Dual Degree Option: 

Dance and Elementary Education 
EAM – Arts Administration 
EAM – Museum Leadership 

Click here to learn more about Accelerated Degree Options at Drexel University.