URBN-Close Entrepreneurship Co-op and Fellows Program

As an incubator for student startups, the URBN-Close Entrepreneurship Program offers current undergraduate and graduate students and recent alums from the Westphal College the opportunity to develop and launch their own businesses with support from this Entrepreneurial Co-op/Fellowship program. Both the Co-op for current students and the Fellowships for graduate students and recent alumni (graduates from the past two years) are offered in three- and six-month terms. The program provides a unique experiential opportunity for participants to take their ideas for new products, services, or enterprises and turn them into a reality.

An interdisciplinary approach provides participants—whether individuals or teams—with the necessary resources and expertise to ensure maximum success in pursuing their projects. Participants receive incubation workspace in the Baiada Center and are matched with a small group of Westphal College and Baida Close School faculty and industry advisors who help determine specific deliverables and provide ongoing input, expertise and mentorship. At the completion of the co-op or fellowship, participants will have created a summary business plan in addition to providing agreed upon deliverables for their projects and developing prototypes that are ready to move towards market implementation. Each participant or team is paid up to a $2,000 monthly stipend throughout the term of the Co-op/Fellowship program, along with a mutually agreed upon budget to be used towards costs related to project development.


Letter of Reference