Research Integrity

Drexel University is committed to upholding the highest standards of ethics, honesty and integrity, and to maintaining full compliance with all applicable laws, regulations and policies.

In serving as a resource for Drexel researchers, the Office of Research provides a comprehensive suite of policies and procedures as described in the Research Policies Handbook, as well as support, training and advice to aid researchers with compliance related to federal, state, university and local regulations. Our faculty, professional staff and administrators work to create an environment where research is conducted ethically, responsibly and to the highest standards of integrity.

Compliance Hotline

If you suspect research misconduct that might violate the law, University policy, or the University's Code of Conduct, contact: 866.358.1010 or Submit a Report Online.

The compliance hotline is provided by EthicsPoint, an independent service provider used by many colleges and universities across the country. Reports are confidential and, if desired, anonymous.

For research-specific misconduct, please submit a Research Integrity  Report here.


Have an inquiry regarding research integrity?