University Advisory Committee on Academic Structure

As part of 2030 Strategic Plan efforts, the University Advisory Committee on Academic Structure (UACAS) was charged by the Provost and Faculty Senate Chair with reviewing the organization of Drexel's academic units to ensure our structure is aligned to achieve strategic priorities, enhance reputation and improve operational and financial performance. 

Project Phases & Timeline

  • January – June 2023: Research & Report Phase: UACAS developed its recommendations and presented them in a Town Hall for faculty and professional staff.
  • July – October 2023: Dissemination & Feedback Phase: UACAS report reviewed by academic/administrative leadership and University community; feasibility teams assembled.
  • November 2023 – March 2024: Feasibility Phase: Feasibility teams assessed the feasibility of each of the primary recommendations (listed below).
  • April 2024 – ongoing: Implementation Phase: In April, President Fry embraced the UACAS recommendations and asked for additional analysis in some areas, which has been ongoing. 

Drexel Community Input

Comprising a representative group of faculty, professional staff and administrators, the UACAS presented their findings to Drexel faculty and professional staff in June 2023, which were published in full on the Faculty Senate SharePoint. Faculty and staff were invited to submit questions and feedback in an anonymous survey, which were addressed at a joint University Town Hall and Faculty Senate meeting in July 2023. More than 50 faculty, professional staff and administrators served on the Feasibility Teams, which consulted many internal and external groups and individuals as part of their analyses. View the memberships of the Calendar, Core Competencies, Consistency and Cluster Feasibility teams, as well as the Cluster Advisory Committee, in this November 16, 2023 message.

Summary of Recommendations

To produce its recommendations, the UACAS solicited broad input from internal and external stakeholders through group discussions and surveys; conducted interviews with experts, including some of our closest external partners; and assessed internal and external data about the University and the higher education sector. It developed the following primary recommendations:

  • Cluster academic disciplines and structures to support interdisciplinary collaboration on research, program development, partnership creation and resource allocation;
  • Establish consistency in structure and policies to create organizational alignment and to facilitate collaboration;
  • Transition to a semester-based calendar for all academic programs to support student success and align with external partners and institutions;
  • Institute core competency requirements for all undergraduate students to support greater curricular alignment and flexibility and to provide differentiating skills that define a Drexel education; and
  • Utilize community spaces to support academic activities, enhance faculty and professional staff collaboration, and improve the overall student experience.


The following links require Drexel faculty/staff login.

Read the UACAS Executive Summary and Full Report

Read the Feasibility Reports