Drexel University and Stillman College sign memorandum of understanding

Drexel University and Stillman College signed a memorandum of understanding today between the two institutions. The MOU in this initial phase involves Stillman sending two of their undergraduates to Drexel this summer for two slots in the Biomedical division of DUCOM for research internships. In exchange, Drexel will be sending two teaching assistants to Stillman this fall to teach in the biology program. Both institutions see this first phase as a building block for further enhancements as the relationship builds, the exchanges expand and also as it extends to other HBCU institutions who wish to partner with Drexel.
The Stillman President, Dr. Cynthia Warrick, is also facilitating the HBCU President’s Roundtable at this year’s Assessment Conference. The conference will be held September 12-13-14 on the campus of Drexel University. For information, visit the Assessment Conference website. At the site you will receive all the necessary conference information.