Monica Fauble

Wellness Administrator, Human Resources


Dollars with stethoscope on them Four Paths to $400 In Your Paycheck!
Through health appointments and healthy behavior you might already be making and additional activities and events, you can earn additional payouts by participating in Drexel's Wellness Incentive Program.
Employee Olympics Employee Olympics IX Goes Bold: Baggo Victories, a Therapy Dog Family and a Fun Walk
Drexel University recently held its annual Employee Olympics event for faculty and staff to come together from all over the University to compete and support their colleagues in a variety of games and activities.
Mindfulness Drexel’s Day of Mindfulness: Cultivating Meaning, Purpose and Joy in Our Community
On April 18, Drexel Human Resources, in partnership with the Office of Faculty Affairs and Student Life, will offer a special day of mindfulness workshops.
Health & Wellness Fair Stress Balls, Gut Checks and Blood Pressure Tests: Photo Recap of Drexel’s 8th Annual Health & Wellness Fair
Drexel University’s eighth annual Health & Wellness Fair was recently held to give faculty and professional staff a chance to focus on their emotional, physical and financial well-being.