LLM in Global Financial Regulation

Drexel University Kline School of Law’s online LLM in Global Financial Regulation is designed for attorneys looking for advanced skills in legal regulatory analysis and policy pertinent to their practices. As the business of banking and finance becomes increasingly regulated both domestically and abroad, employers including retail banks, investment firms, government agencies, and law firms seek lawyers with a deeper understanding of the complex interaction between these regulations and the industry.

This program is offered online either part-time or full-time.


Required Courses

All LLM students are required to take eight (8) core credits.

  • LSTU 551 - Compliance Skills: Auditing, Investigation and Reporting (4 credits)
  • LSTU 554 - Risk Assessment and Management (4 credits)

*Foreign-trained students may also be required to complete LSTU 553 Legal Research and Analysis (4 credits) and/or LSTU 550 Introduction to the Legal System (4 credits).

Elective Courses

Students will take 24 elective credits (or 16 elective credits plus Thesis Project I & II)

Global Financial Regulation (Choose 4)

  • LSTU 552 Ethics and Professional Standards
  • LSTU 555 Compliance Communications
  • LSTU 649 Foundations of Financial Regulation
  • LSTU 650 Legal Regulation of Global Financial Crimes
  • LSTU 651 Legal Regulation of Investment Advisers
  • LSTU 652 Legal Regulation of Investment Companies
  • LSTU 653 Broker/Dealer Regulation
  • LSTU 654 Banking Law
  • LSTU 660 Information Privacy
  • LSTU 661 The Law and Strategies Surrounding Cybersecurity
  • LSTU 662 European Union Data Privacy and Protection

Thesis Project (Optional, 8 credits)

  • LSTU 998 Thesis I (classroom component on scholarly writing)
  • LSTU 999 Thesis II (independent study including drafting and presenting original work of publishable quality)

PA Lawyers Can Get CLE Credit at Kline

PA CLE logoThe Kline School of Law is the only law school in the Commonwealth accredited by PACLE to provide distance learning CLE credits. As such, lawyers admitted to practice in Pennsylvania who take online graduate level or advanced degree courses at Kline may claim CLE credit as permitted by PACLE regulation 5(f) governing Credit for Law School and Graduate Level Courses.

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