Safety and Security for Program Development

A critical component of international program development is assessing the safety and security of the destination and preparing for incidents that could occur during the program. The Non-Credit Experience Abroad (NCEA) Approval Form and Intensive Course Abroad or Study Abroad Proposal form both require information about health, safety and security considerations to assist in the development process. The Director of Global Safety & Operations can provide additional information and support as needed. 

In developing a program, some key areas to examine are:

  • Safety of Transportation and Housing
  • In-Country Communication
  • Medical Care Available and Known Health Risks
  • Current Political Climate
  • Other Potential Risks such as Natural Disaster, High Incidence of Crime, History of Terrorism

Travel to High-Risk Destinations

Any faculty member, staff member, student or student group that desires to participate in a Drexel-affiliated international travel activity to a country or region that currently qualifies as high-risk, must seek approval through the Travel Risk Review Committee (TRRC).The TRRC has representation from Risk Management, General Counsel, Academic Affairs, Education Abroad, Steinbright and Student Affairs. Additional representation or expertise may be sought by the committee according to the nature of the request.

The request for permission to travel should include:

  1. A signed Addendum to the Terms and Conditions of Participation that acknowledges the additional risk of the travel destination (provided by the Drexel Global office)
  2. A written justification of the importance/value of this particular location to the objectives of the student's academic experience at Drexel
  3. A proposed safety plan to ensure the well-being of the participants
  4. A Security Review of the Location (template provided by the Drexel Global office)

The TRRC reviews the request to travel and makes a recommendation to the Vice Provost for Global Engagement who presents the information for a decision to the Provost.

Please contact the Director of Global Safety & Operations to submit travel for review to the Travel Risk Review Committee.