Global Classrooms

Academic Year 2024-25

Students are able to search for current Global Classrooms in Banner by selecting advanced search, then typing Global Classrooms into the attribute tab. For the full list of previous Global Classrooms, see here

For media/news and student stories regarding the Global Classroom experience, see here. 

College of Arts and Sciences

Course # Course Title Faculty Instructors Section Partner Universities
CHIN 201 Chinese 201 Global Classroom Shanghai Ni Ou (Drexel University) Winter Quarter East China Normal University, China
This course offers students a unique opportunity to engage in one-on-one communications with peers in Shanghai, guided by the instructor. Through these interactions, students will explore a range of topics including society, campus life, culture, education, etc. By combining classroom language instruction with this interactive exchange, students will not only enhance their language proficiency but also gain insights that extend beyond the textbook, fostering critical thinking, cultural diversity, and the skills necessary to become global citizens.
Course # Course Title Faculty Instructors Section Partner Universities
SPAN 330 Food, Culture and Heritage 
Mariadelaluz Matus-Mendoza (Drexel University) Fall Quarter Tecnologico de Monterrey, campus Estado de México, School of Humanities and Education in Mexico
Course Description
The Global classroom will take place between SPAN 330: Food, Culture and Heritage” at Drexel University and “EH1008: Cultural Imaginaries of Mexico” at Tecnológico de Monterrey, Campus Estado de MéxicoThe objective is to develop cultural heritage (tangible and intangible) centering on internal and external migration, food, rituals and gastronomy, and social dynamics. The collaboration will be from September 30th to November 22nd. 

College of Nursing and Health Professions

Course # Course Title Faculty Instructors Section Partner Universities
PA 547 Evidence Based Medicine for PAs Allison Rusgo (Drexel University) Winter Quarter Ulster University School of Medicine, Northern Ireland
Course Description

This Global Classroom is a collaboration between Ulster University and Drexel University’s PA Programs. The goal is for the students to compare and contrast the nuances of the UK and US public health systems while strengthening their professional identities, thus promoting efficient and empathetic patient care. 


Activity 1 (asynchronous): All students will be provided an article and accompanying resources to read and annotate before the live session. Students will be expected to review these materials and begin brainstorming public health interventions that could be used to tackle the issue presented, as the information will relate to a public health challenge that applies to both UK and US students. 


Activity 2 (live synchronous lecture): All students will attend this 3-hour session that will be co-taught by Drexel and Ulster University faculty. During this session, students will participate in several breakout sessions to develop a public health intervention acceptable in both the US and UK to address the issues raised in the material from the pre-session work. 


Activity 3 (asynchronous): All students will work together with their breakout session group (assigned during activity 2) to complete a written post-session activity reflecting on their global classroom experience 

Lebow College of Business

Course# Course Title Faculty Instructors Section Partner Universities
BUS 101 - 2 Sections (All Honors) Introduction to Business I Dana D'Angelo and Jodi Cataline (Drexel University) Fall Quarter  Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences, Netherlands and University of Galway, Ireland
Course Description
Global Classroom Project: Circular Economy
Course # Course Title Faculty Instructors Section Partner Universities
BUS 102 Introduction to Business II Dana D'Angelo and Jodi Cataline (Drexel University) Fall Quarter University of Motevideo, Uruguay
Course Description
Global Classroom Project: The Culture Map