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Nomination and Application

Partner Info

Nominate a Student

All exchange students must be nominated by their home institution to participate in the exchange program. Institutions who nominate must have an exchange agreement with Drexel. Nomination forms are available approximately a month before nomination deadlines. Forms are available through a survey link that is sent out through e-mail.

Nominee Requirements

  • Minimum GPA: 3.0
  • English Language Proficiency test*:
    • TOEFL iBT - 80
    • IELTS - 6.5
    • TOEFL CBT - 214
    • TOEFL PBT - 550
    • TOEFL Essentials - 9
    • Cambridge - 180

*Not applicable for Universities in the UK, Ireland, Australia, New Zealand, Hong Kong, & Singapore

Please note that Drexel does not accept TOEFL ITP.

Student Info

Required Materials

If a student has been nominated, they will receive instructions via email about completing the online application once the nomination deadline has passed. The following application materials will be required:

  • Official Transcript
    • Must be in English
  • Passport copy
  • Inbound Exchange Application Form
  • Official English proficiency scores (if applicable)
  • Preliminary course selections
    • Undergraduates: At least 50% of these courses should be in your Drexel college/school
    • Graduates: 100% of these courses should be in your Drexel major/program
  • Portfolio (if applicable)

If a student is accepted to Drexel, they will then be required to submit the following materials when prompted: 

  • J-1 Student form
  • Financial support documentation
    • Must prove AT LEAST $6,483 per term
    • Must be in English

All materials must be submitted by their assigned deadlines.

Any questions can be directed to

Deadlines for Academic Year 2024-25

Nomination Deadline
(from partner)
Application Deadline
(all pre-acceptance materials received from student)
Fall Start (September) 

*Kline School of Law students start in August

April 1 April 30
Winter Start (January) September 10 September 30
Spring Start (March)* September 10
September 30

*Extensions will be granted for Spring quarter nominations and applications if necessary